the fleeting joys of possessing a thing


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008
as i'm sure we're all aware by now it is literally impossible to purchase happiness & fulfilment, but alas! yet we persist in this futile struggle to prove human nature wrong and the bloated advertising budgets of millions of companies right

while throughout our lives we lust for many a object, more often than not a certain emptiness and boredom with said object sets in once we buy it and the novelty wears off. hey look. i got a new computer. it's 14% faster than my old computer according to these numbers wowzerZ, TRULY.

i am sure you are all quite familiar with this feeling.


sometimes i look at some of my things and think "god fucking damn it, i cannot believe the fact that: i actually own this awesome fucking thing"

like my guitar

and sometimes my automobile (which is a bit of a p.o.s. i'm sure but it's so fucking amazing being able to go anywhere at any time by burning literal dinosaur flesh. don't take cars for granted, they are fucking great.)

please post about your genuinely nice things that you are ACTUALLY HAPPY TO OWN and that you do not TIRE OF or get BUYER'S REMORSE from

(prediction: itt no one will post about his stupid 70" tele-vision apparatus)
All of my music stuff really. Even my shitty 50 buck solid state amp. Ive had it so long that I have some really cool memories with that thing. My Gibson LP Studio.... dont even have the words.

Aside from that, no not really. I mean, Im really glad a have a pc but I dgaf about it, if that makes sense. I wouldnt care if I had to swap it out for another, even one of lesser value, I just want a machine that can handle a few basic things that makes my life easier. Same goes for my phone, mp3 player etc. I like em for what they do, but I dont care about them individually. Actually I hate my iPod with a burning passion

Another thing: Im really attached to my CD collection, modest/random as it may be. Owning a physical copy of music I love makes me feel all tingly. And my mattress. That thing is fit for a god.
I’m literally in tears each time I drink a great new variety of beer, and I never tire of having been the proud owner of the unopened bottle for a few seconds.

Not too familiar with buyer’s remorse tbh, I’m too poor to afford buying totally useless consumerist pleasure type furniture, clothes and stuff.

I love my car and I like owning a guitar even if it never gave out a proper chord because of me.
Books and food. One particular bass, and two pedals. Most of the music collection. All else suffers the stupidity of diminishing returns, buyer's remorse, etc.

I am extremely neurotic about anything worth actual money. I consider selling most of my music gear and car on a frequent, occasionally constant, basis.

Thankfully outside of gear and the car, I don't really spend much money on non-essentials. And food is gone long before I can regret spending $4 on an organic bell pepper.

EDIT: I should clarify that I am very, very happy and thankful for the poop that is my crap, but a lot of the time I think: "really, I don't need any of this stuff." Because I don't.
Having just moved, I can honestly say I have WAY too much stuff. Should burn it all but then I'd be cold next winter.
My favourite things in the whole wide world (except for heavy metal things) are CLEVER SOLUTIONS. Simple little things that anyone could/should have thought of but noone did until one very grand day when the lid closing cushioner was invented and other stuff like it.
refraction said:
my CD collection

i care about physical media and am happy to own it when care has obviously gone into the making of said media

like a book printed on nice paper, well proofred, well typeset and designed, is a beautiful thing and it actually enhances the reading experience

same thing with a cd or lp that is really well-presented

most of the time, books whose publishers gave no fucks or a cash-in lp release in a flimsy-ass pixelated sleeve i have a hard time giving a fuck about owning, even if the actual content is good
I’m literally in tears each time I drink a great new variety of beer, and I never tire of having been the proud owner of the unopened bottle for a few seconds.


infernal hailz to this post

Crappy picture of awesome books that I love owning.
I usually only have buyers remorse when it comes to giving in to a momentary urge and get fast food when I don't need it. For the most part i'm very happy with my cd, book, movie, and video game collection. Probably my best purchase is my Roland Juno GI. I've been creating music (see links in my sig) for almost 7 years and i've had this synth for a year and a half(?) and it's absolutely amazing; I can record everything (even vocals) on it and mix the tracks without ever using any kind of computer program. Very easy to use.

Recently I stepped into the 21st century and got a nice hdtv and a ps3 so that's nice too.
Every man's library is incomplete without at least one Kerouac book.

At this point I'm overcompensating I suppose, but I am a huge fan.

I prefer your Lone Wolf solo adventure books. I played the first 10 of them in my younger days \m/
I just spent 150 dollars on hardback editions of some of my favorite comics. Basically any reading, listening, or viewing material that fulfills me or anything (my car) which enables me to do things of enjoyment is a worthy possession. At the end of the day, though, if there was a fire I'd grab my cats and say fuck it all.