the focus of my hatred for today

one of the guys here has what Hendrie calls the Backstage Pass (for pay, of course) but it allows us to download the shows on mp3s...all the systems guys here are avid listeners and we have every show back to the beginning of the year on one of our servers:loco:

pm me if you're ever interested and I'll give you the user name and password to the download area.
No one can make me mad like Bill Mahr can.

Not so much because he's a retard, but because he is so miserably unfunny.

Plus, look at his fucking head.

i've told this story before, but...

i was watching bill maher's HBO show, third or fourth episode, i guess, to check it out.

he was being a total prick, as usual.

he took audience questions, and a couple people stood up and asked some, and he answered with wiseass cracks.

this middle-aged, bespectacled black man stood up and leaned toward the mike, and started to struggle out a question, something like, " you....s....s....s..."

and Maher shouts into his mike "BZZZTT! TOO SLOW BUDDY! NEXT!"

and the guy refuses to give up the mike and gets this really determined look and shouts "Do! You! Support! School! Lunch! Funding!" (or whatever the question was)

and the whole audience erupts into cheers. and the camera goes back to Maher and he's sitting there with this SNEER on his face, like a foiled villain.

it was seriously one of the funniest things i've seen on TV.
The crowd wasn't too noisy when I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 (I was expecting at least one right winger to yell "bullshit" at least once), although they did occasionally laugh as if it was a comedy during the cheap shots at Bush and others in his administration...
the funniest thing about this thread is the original picture

"written and read by the author"

WTF how can you write a book without reading it.

Few people piss me off more then sean hanity. I get foxnews broadcast down here in australia. and its so difficult watching fox news. Its totally useless piece of crap, but i watch it becuase i hate it so much. Hanity is so ignorant and arrogant that it makes me want to punch him.