the forum members you have met, and your opinion of them

emm, OK....
my husband, metalized, :hotjump: who doesn't post that often anymore and Neverlady, dear friend from the Nevermore forum, now living too far away, in Sweden, after she decided Hungary was not good enough... :Smug:

cool threads I discover around... *nods*


also i now met:

rahvin - top man indeed. unassuming, polite, paid for my train ticket from itzehoe to hamburg. awesome!! :) see you in a few weeks. one of the few people i've met online who i see as much a friend as those i've known for life.

nogie - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww!!!!!! *huggles noga* no need to say anything ;) silence can speak volumes. although she doesn't realise it!

bleakest harvest - mild mannered irishman. which is sort of like a skinny american or a quiet aussie..... if you know what i mean. and for the 30 minutes of slighty drunern talk we had, i can tell you he's as sound as he is rare. (good to meet someone else who understood my pain with the beer in wacken)

Officer Down - had to put up with me and the rest of DesolatioN being pissed up, listening to our own music ALL NIGHT and making a shameful display of ourselves watching anime porn all night .....and he was still there in the morning. this man deserves some kind of award.
as of late, I got bored on the Nevermore forum, as I'm waiting for my copy of the new album, and in two days I'm going on vacation, and I don't feel like working, and it became interesting watching-wise. :D
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Villain - Sweaty, floorwetting, bearded and happy finn
Phyros - Nice and polite
Phyre - Nice and just a little bit strange ;)
Tranquillian said:
Villain - Sweaty, floorwetting, bearded and happy finn

Oh, I'm flattered - thank you big man! ;)

Which reminded me of one thing about Tranquillian: He can drink huge amounts of horrible-tasting Swedish beer (and remain happy and cool while doing it, unlike us Finns when we are drinking)... only to vomit them all down the drain later on the night! :ill: :Puke: A prime example of an alcohol-abuser, I say. :loco:

-Villain (too tired to crack any more poor jokes, I'm going to sleep now - good night!)
Thanatos: He's a good friend and sometimes we can have a quite compelling talk

Violet: She's tender and it's easy to smile at her because of what she says and does. It was nice to meet her

Manuel: He talks and talks, but he's interesting
Villain said:
Phyre: Cool (as in not-too-hot :p)
:mad: No, He is hot. :heh: :p Not that I've met him...

From UM, I've met thunderstruck67 (who doesn't post here much anymore). He was a nice guy and polite, but we didn't have much to talk about.

Not that it counts, but I've also met one of the occasional posters from the DMB board I visit (who also posted here twice :p ).
Of course, as she's my good friend (from offline). :p

I'd like to meet more people from here, but I imagine it to be a rather odd-feeling experience. I may not get the chance for quite a few reasons, one of which is since a lot of you peeps live far away. Maybe someday...
From UM, I've only met some dude who lives like 3 blocks away from me. He was looking for someone to jam with. So, we jammed on the guitars for a while, even though he's 10x better than me. And that was it. That was about a year ago. We parted our ways.
It's only now I've stumbled across this thread. I used to have close contact with two ex-posters of the Tranquillity board, namely the aforementioned Atlantis and also Fury (a.k.a. Fury of the Damned). But I've never met them in person, although I know how they look like. ;)
Then I've met the Tranquillity guys at a concert. They post here, too, so they count. :tickled: And if you've read Opacity's post, it's quite obvious I've met her, too.

SOMBERSOUL: he is a kind guy who (like me) likes movies that are preferrably NOT of the typical hollywood kind :p his girlfriend is also into more authentic or realistic movies (meaning almost no hollywood), and both like scandinavian pubs, hehe

I can only reciprocate. We seem to have a similar taste in movies and languages. ;) And she's good company at concerts (recent one: Illumination Vienna feat. Wolfsheim/Apocalyptica/Pungent Stench/Project Pitchfork/Hollenthon). We have yet to check out a Scandinavian pub together (there aren't that many in Vienna anyway *g*).
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*bump* i like this thread :p

Ormir: i've met Sami 10 times or so, and i wouldn't keep meeting him if i didn't like him a lot. for some odd reason we end up getting drunk every time we meet :o the longest we've been together sober is about 14 hours, and it happened last week. we had fun anyway. well, i did.
Sami is great to go to gigs with :p he's crazy, always headbangs his ass off. or head :p he also has the best taste in music ever :p (right after me, that is) OMG he likes all the best bands! he even likes Coldplay (nerr Ben nerr nerr :p)
one of my best friends Sami is. definitely. gotta love him <3

Hearse: aawww Lasse is adorable :dopey: i always give him massages and hug him and play with his hair <3 it's sometimes kinda hard to be around him, though, cause he takes pictures. all the time. too much. of me. :yell:

Idari: Santtu is nice =) she's fun to listen to music with. drunk. SHE LIKES APULANTA!! <3 therefore she rules.

Manuel: he's great :p he made my last summer really special, and for that i am always thankful. he has multiple personality. (hi Rashid and shy indian guy :wave: ) Manuel is fun, always makes me laugh. i care about him a lot <3

Zeanra: she is a really nice girl =) and pretty. i love her hair :dopey: i feel like a very loud person around her, though, cause she doesn't talk too much.

fireangel: Anja is cool :p i didn't get to talk to her much, but she seemed like a nice person. she had lovely wristbands <3 \m/ Swallow the Sun \m/ :cool:

Lolita: i didn't get to talk to her much either, but she also seemed like a really nice person :p she's also really pretty

(to be continued....)
I've met someone too :grin:
Dark_Jester is also very nice and likeable and he makes the best Hugh Grant impressions ever, looks good in aprons and can't tell the Town Hall from the City Hall, thus he is an excellent tour guide. :grin:
Anna: I thought we agreed to keep the town hall/city stuff purely between me, you and my dad. I know I'm a hopeless tourguide, because I can never remember anything about where I live! :p