the forum members you have met, and your opinion of them

Omg Ulla bumped up this thread and I was mentioned. :p Thanks sweetie for your nice words. :) Indeed we didn't have much time to talk and it was also very noisy at the club but you are a genuine, funny and very cute girl. Like I knew you would be since you dig good music and you're kind to everyone.

Also, I could go on forever praising Sami since he rocks! I like his headbanging especially ;) and he's very smart and funny to talk to. rokrok

I've met so many UMers now and they all are great people.
ouagadougou said:
fireangel: Anja is cool :p i didn't get to talk to her much, but she seemed like a nice person. she had lovely wristbands <3 \m/ Swallow the Sun \m/ :cool:
*awww* :) yeah, that is always when you meet at gigs, hard to talk sometimes. And because I had to see all the bands, I left you when there was Tiaga playing ;)
But I would like to talk to you more, I thought already in the Review-Topic that you were nice, but wasn´t so sure about seeing at Tuska, because last year I had like 10 new people to meet that summer, so it were *enough* for me. Maybe it is all fine like it happened now. Teh wristbands I thought were fun to wear at an explicit metal-happening, undercover-hippie that I am :) (for everyone else: they were in pink-silver-stripes :Spin:

so - in no particular order:
ouagadogou: very nice and open(-minded) person. (and thanks for the help-out-offer about how and when to get home! btw, I realized now about the night-buses, I totally forgot that. So for the future I will remember. But even the taxi was worth seeing those godly gigs :)
would like to talk to her another time again or going to gigs again :)

Ormir: cool! He was the one who came to me at the Katatonia-gig, recognize me and bring me to all the other UMers hanging out there. I first of all thought for something like two years, that Ormir was around 25, until last year I found a post of "I can´t go to Tavastia" (which has18-years agelimit) and got the shock of the day :lol: He wrote so wise :) He is truly friendly *hugs Ormir*

Hearse: first time "meeting" we just said hello, there were so many other people around. So I could not get any opinion. Then I heard from Ormir, that he´d come to see Swallow The Sun aswell, so we talked finally :) NICE guy! :wave:

rahvin: I guess I can be pretty lucky I met rahvin :Spin:

Lolita =)Ulla introduced me to her and when I said that I liked the STS-gig, she turned to STS-Aleksi who stood there aswell and said: Aleksi, here is someone to talk to you (or smth like that) and within a quarter of a second I had to come up with some intelligent sentences to tell him =) Was fun!

I met someone from another forum, but I guess that doesnt count.... and I hope I have not forgot to mention anyone else...

And I really really have to meet Villain. Salamurhaaja would be nice to meet aswell. :wave:
@fire: it's all cool about villain and salami, but what about me? eh? eh? :grin:
fireangel said:
*Lolita =)Ulla introduced me to her and when I said that I liked the STS-gig, she turned to STS-Alexi who stood there aswell and said: Alexi, here is someone to talk to you (or smth like that) and within a quarter of a second I had to come up with some intelligent sentences to tell him :lol:) Was fun!
Hehe, it was a funny situation. :p I'd just like everyone to know how sweet and genuine guys Swallow the Sun boys are, especially Aleksi (yeah, that's the way his name is written) since I know him as a friend. Needless to say, the gig was a success and a night to remember.
Anja, you seemed like a cool and friendly gal, hope to see you next time in Finland or where ever. :)
Lolita: I edited it now. You are right, I should know how the name is spelled and I actually do know, I just totally forgot, since I was always *eh* thinking of Alexi Laiho, who changed his name-spelling like that. But I know he originally is named Aleksi, too ;)

hyena: I know both for a longer time, that´s all why I mentioned them first. Sorry about that (and also for the yet-to-be-written-mail, I am not that lazy, I am just terribly busy :(
But it would be cool to sit down and talk to you, aswell =)
snhguiosdjh JSGIOJISDOFHJSDOPHJO7)()=/)=/970907890790&/()&/()

i hate that picture, i really do :(

'kin lasse :bah:


edit edit edit edit edit edit



(you know i couldn't REALLY be mad at you, right? <3 )

EDIT: now that i spent some time looking at the pic, i realized it's not the WORST one of me ever. i still ain't a big fan of it, but it's alright. i guess. :erk:
what's wrong with that pic, ulla? i kinda like the t-shirt, for starters. and you look, well, i don't know... exactly the same as in every other pic of you i've seen on ultimatemetal?
it's nice that you still think of me as nice after i've graced you with drunkish prophecies about impending doom and the downfall of mankind on a night when you probably just wanted to hear some bands playing and/or hit on everything around belonging to the female persuasion and having a pulse. :)
fireangel said:
I don´t like that kind of joke :yell: :erk:
but that wasn't a joke, my popularity comes and goes in the blink of an eye and that's all there is to it, sorry if it irks you.

as for rep, before giving either positive or negative points to anyone, you have to spread some amongst other users. this was devised to prevent abuse, such as people constantly increasing their friends' rep and decreasing their personal enemy's.
rahvin said:
but that wasn't a joke, my popularity comes and goes in the blink of an eye and that's all there is to it, sorry if it irks you.
no, I think you haven´t understood what I was aiming at. I´ll explain later mail....

rahvin said:
as for rep, before giving either positive or negative points to anyone, you have to spread some amongst other users. this was devised to prevent abuse, such as people constantly increasing their friends' rep and decreasing their personal enemy's.
yeah, I know that. But you remember I was trying to give you good rep also for a while now and it never worked. And meanwhile I have given so much (or I thought), usually good, rep around, that I wonder when the time for you comes...? how many points exactly one has to spread before being able to return to someone specific?
rahvin said:
hah! if we had to make such inferences from the way we look in pics, people should probably assume i'm a dwarf and a moron!
oh wait a minute... :cry:
Oh no you didn't look a bit moron. :confused:
Just drunken Italian guy who talked and talked and talked. ;)

What I've been told I'd probably be a whore with terrible clothes. Oh wait, it was idari's mother who said so. :lol:
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Oh no you didn't look a bit moron. :confused:
Just drunken Italian guy who talked and talked and talked. ;)
oh boy, you ain't seen nothing yet. ;)

What I've been told I'd probably be a whore with terrible clothes. Oh wait, it was idari's mother who said so. :lol:
i don't remember a thing about your clothes, but i'm usually not inclined to pass judgement on people's sexual morals or sense of fashion anyway, considering that in me the former are quite self-destructive and the latter totally non-existent. so you're safe around me. ;)
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Ulla looks like a sweet, innocent girl who she is. :)
You see, that's where your problem is. ;)

rahvin said:
hah! if we had to make such inferences from the way we look in pics, people should probably assume i'm a dwarf and a moron!
oh wait a minute... :cry:

Not true in your case Rahvin. :p

Oh, and I reserve the right to be insanely jealous until I can make a proper contribution to this thread. :bah: (ie: until I've met some of you lubly peoples :grin: )
hmmm which pic would that be, Lasse? :o

aw thanks Loli :)

shut up Spike :p

and i already said the pic's alright, Rahvin :p but i do think i look very dumb in it :o and oh yes :D that shirt is the best <3 \m/ Amorphis \m/
revealing my 1337 hax0r skillz, i guess it must be this one ;)
