The Friday Five

SymX related Five..

1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?
SymX related Five..

1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?

1) Haven't :cry:
2) Here in Gothenburg
3) Prelude-Evolution
4) Rediscovery pt 1 + pt 2 The New Mythology
5) 0. CRAI :waah:
SymX related Five..

1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?

1) Haven't seen them.
2) Carthage :rock:
3) Inferno
4) Fallen
5) Zero :erk:
SymX related Five..

1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?

1. I wish
2. Thebarton Theatre- Adelaide, South Australia
3. Prelude- Evolution
4. The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
5. Never... :waah:
1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
Probably PPUSA..nice to see them in a bigger venue.
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
The Mountain Winery in Saratoga, CA.
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
Through the Looking Glass.
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?
Oh hell, I've lost count..probably 2 dozen or more.
SymX related Five..

1) What's your favorite venue where you've seen SymX play?
2) Where do you wish you could see SymX play?
3) What song would you want them to open with?
4) What would be your ideal encore song?
5) How many times have you seen SymX play?

1. Only seen them at the Clubhouse in Tempe.
2. The Dodge Theater in Phoenix. That is an awesome venue.
3. Prelude/Evolution
4. Rediscovery/Rediscovery Part II
5. Twice
Seeing as how it's Saturday night already, I'll makeup the last three:

1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?
1. Seen: sex in a college dorm lobby on the couch. At least they had sheets, but eghhh.
2. Driving off a cliff. It'd be awesome. Till you crash.
3. clearly The Book Of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe.
4. Dick Cheney.
5. Go for it.
Seeing as how it's Saturday night already, I'll makeup the last three:

1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?

1) My friend Charles and I where sitting at lunch one day and he decided (He was always so on top of his game that he did these things before we could even ask him to!) to snort about 6 of those color, candy coated chocolate sprinkles on a Cosmic Brownie up his nose with a rolled up dollar bill. The next day as we where walking back to class from lunch, he snot rocketed out a blue/green stream of colored snot and about 4 candies missing their shell onto the ground in front of about 70 other people walking near us. Good times!

2) When I was younger - putting a dead Possum in the mailbox of some girl that really pissed me off. I gave it up after my other friend did the job with a soiled pair of underwear. Sorry, that's not so much twisted as it is fucked up!:guh:

3) Album: Planet X - Quantum, Book: George Carlin - An Orgy of George, my Ibanez RG1527. Maybe a few other things that slip my mind at the moment.

4) Whoever first said: "Let's follow around a group of ordinary assholes, film them and put it on TV!" I know it had to be a man who thought of that!

5) I'd dig as deep as is required to scratch!:lol:
1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
Puke on someone mid-BJ

2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
I dunno, throttling the shit out of someone who pissed me off.

3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
"How to get off a deserted island"

4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
I don't think I could.

5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?
Scratch as discreetly as possible.
Seeing as how it's Saturday night already, I'll makeup the last three:

1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?

1 - Grossest thing I ever saw someone do was in a cookery class in school when a kid threw up into a drawer then ate the puke back down because he was worried what the teacher would say when she came back.

2 - voting Conservative

3 - album - dunno.. to many to choose from, book - bible, purely for fire-lighting and ass-wiping purposes *awaits backlash* :heh: , keepsake... my zippo lighter....

4 - St. Paul, Muhammad (pbuh), Hitler, Stalin, Bu$h, Blair...fuck me, there's a long list of candidates....

5 - scratch away... they'll be in the same postion sooner or later... :blush:
Seeing as how it's Saturday night already, I'll makeup the last three:

1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?

1) Observe a full autopsy when I worked in a hospital. Gross, but VERY cool

2) Shoving a pound of C4 up my ass, going to the nearest Bank of America, grabbing the first bank officer I could find, and detonating. BOA is one of those banks that NEEDS to go away, but keeps getting bigger & stronger.
Their horrible business practices will catch up with them sooner or later. :mad: Honorable mention goes to sodomizing a Director at Dana with a rusty meat hook, and hanging him in a tree by said meat hook.

3) War & Peace - might need a lot pages to start a fire....

4) Past & 1st Choice - Joe Magliochetti - Repeatedly (R.I.T - Rest In Torment) Present - Putin

5) Depending on how bad & where the itch is, I might even take a shower brush off the shelf and scratch with it. No matter what, I'd address it ASAP, I give a crap who's around, unless it's kids...
1)What's the grossest thing you have ever done or have seen someone else do?
I sneezed one time in fifth grade, and this big long string of stuff came out of my nose, down to about my navel. I didn't really know what to do, so I sniffed as hard as I could to snap it back into where it came from. With our desks arrranged in groups of four, the girl next to me and the two sitting across from me all got to see it close up.

2)What's the most twisted thing you thought seriously about doing?
Beating somebody with a bat.

3)What one album/book/keepsake etc would you take with you on a deserted island?
I can't really think any keepsakes would do me much good. I would hope to be able to have the biggest box of matches I could find. And a fishing pole with my tackle box and a helluvalot of line.

4)If you could kick any one man (past or present) in the nuts, who would it be?
My City Councillor, Don Harris. And all the other men on the Council as well. And then the women. :lol:

5)If you have a really bad itch in a certain 'off limits in public' body part, would you scratch it and risk all of the people at Wal-Mart looking at you funny, or tough it out and keep your pride?
Like they'd ever see me again...
1. Who is your favorite author?
2. What is your favorite book/series?
3. Who is a book hero you most wish to be like?
4. Who is a book character that you envy?
5. Recommend one book that your fellow forumers should read.