The Friday Five

1. What do you obsess about?
The past and the future; one of my biggest faults is not thinking about the present as much as I should.

2. What do you do for a living?
Retail slave

3. Where do you call home?
My parent's house

4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
Not yet, though I'm working on it.

5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?
Coffee shop.
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1. finishing up school, finding a good job, love, getting everything I do to be as awesome as I can, and of course music
2. full time grad student, part time graphic designer and broadcast specialist
3. true home is Texas, current home is Arizona
4. yup
5. coffee shop. Either that or a rock venue
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1) Paying bills, and having enough money to live on. I also obess about music, guitars, splatter movies, & crime scene photography.

2) I'm an an IT jack of all trades, currently working a service desk, which is different from a help desk which is different from being a system engineer, but involes all of the above. I have been in the IT field for 20+ years, it's mostly treated me well, but lately it has not. I will be jobless come August.

3) Pell Lake, WI Home of rednecks, white trash, working class folk like myself, and a FEW hoity toities that don't mix with the natives....

4) Partially, but since 9/11 and my FIRST downfall, I've been slipping. Second downfall OTW! One of my parents is deceased, and I hope she can pull some strings for me before it gets too late!

5) Considering I despise coffee in all shapes,sizes, & flavors, the ONLY place you'll find me would be at a club...
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1. Nothing really.
2. Between jobs at the moment.
3. Adelaide, South Australia.
4. Probably not.
5. Can't stand the club scene so i guess it'd be a coffee bar then.
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1. Guitar, Prog-metal, not putting myself in danger by doing stupid things...
2. I breathe... (I hope someone else didn't already say that... ) Actually atm I'm working in my family's music store and doing some private guitar teaching to pay my way through uni...
3. Adelaide, South Australia
4. I think so, they're very proud of any accomplishents, and so long as we give our best, they're happy with whatever level that gets us to...
5. coffee bar definately. nightclub music sucks and I don't drink, so what would be the point???
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1) 1982
2) Yes
3) Comp Sci - Then aka Data Processing
4) N/A
5) N/A
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

I missed these...

1. Music
2. studying right now
3. St-Louis, NB
4. I think so, almost
5. hmmm... coffee bar I guess, although neither of them are probable

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
11 months ago
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
Applied Mathematics
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?
1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1: 2005
2: Yes
3: Publication Design & Hypermedia Technology, moved over to Franchising!
4: NA
5: NA

I missed last week as well!
1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1: Music, and Art
2: I Manage/Run a restaurant...which means I feed people!
3: Where I can be happy, not persay alone...but I do need my music!
4: My parents hate me, and I will never live up to there expectations nore do I care!
5: I love coffee, and I love beer, so its really a hard choice! I mean 50% of the time you can find me at Tim Hortons, the other 50% of the time you will find me at a bar or club of sorts...
1. When did/do you graduate from high school?


2. Did/do you attend college?

Yep, McNally Smith College of Music in St. Paul, MN

3. If so, what is/was your major?

Performance (guitar)
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1. 2004
2. I attend college :kickass: .
3. Undecided ---> Information Systems
4. N/A
5. N/A
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1. 1978
2. did
3. applied science (environmental management)
4. n/a
5. n/a
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?
1. In a month. :kickass:
2;4. I will in September :kickass:
3;5. I'm going into Engineering
Lots of graduations going on this time of year, so here's a school-related Five..

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1. Last year (2006)
2. I'm currently studying at the Elder Conservatorium Of Music...
3. My course is Diploma In Classical Guitar
4. N/A
5. N/A
I missed a few so this is like an all-in-one type of deal.

1. What's the farthest you've ever traveled to see a band/show/festival?
2. What's the farthest you'd be willing to travel?
3. Which band would you be most willing to travel to see?
4. Ever followed a band to see multiple consecutive dates of a single tour?
5. If you could choose the perfect band playing in the perfect location, which band would it be & where would they play?
1. Montreal for Gigantour and Iron Maiden.
2. Probably Toronto, or the states.
3. Symphony X or Blind Guardian.
4. Nope, but I'd like to.
5. Symphony X within walking distance so I don't need to pay a fortune to see them.
Completely random five..

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?
1. Information, I couldn't live a day without learning something new.
2. Phone jockey, lol.
3. My dad's place, my mom's place, and my girlfriend's house.
4. Does it matter? I live up to my expectations and that's all that matters.
5. Coffee bar.
1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?
1. Last June.
2. I plan to.
3. -
4. Yes.
5. Sound engineering.
1. When did/do you graduate from high school?

2. Did/do you attend college?
Yep. Duquesne University. And probably Musicians Institute in the fall.

3. If so, what is/was your major?
Sound recording and guitar.
1. What's the farthest you've ever traveled to see a band/show/festival?
2. What's the farthest you'd be willing to travel?
3. Which band would you be most willing to travel to see?
4. Ever followed a band to see multiple consecutive dates of a single tour?
5. If you could choose the perfect band playing in the perfect location, which band would it be & where would they play

1. 15 driving hour to see Stratovarius in Montreal (well at that time I was lost somewhere east Canada) I met Timo Tolki after the show and told him hehe!
2. Easy, I will go to the Wacken festival in the next five year, I swear it! Europeen rule as for metal even.
3. Anything good, I've done it so many time!
4. Many but Rhapsody in 2005 five since I was leaving Montreal and was thinking I woudn't see a show before a while. This was 3 times, but expect to do it for Symphony this year!
5. As long as the place look nice, but as far as I can say, Quebec Capitol is a very beautifull place to see metal band. Old style room with balcony and high ceilling.

1. What do you obsess about?
2. What do you do for a living?
3. Where do you call home?
4. Have you lived up to your parents' expectations?
5. Are we more likely to find you in a coffee bar or a nightclub?

1. Dunno, hating people the follow fashion and have no mind of their own.
2. Right now, nothing I quit a wonderfull Government Job at Environment Canada because Fredericton NB suck hard!
3. anywhere not to far from Montreal and Quebec since great show happen there!
4. I'm not sure, but I don't think so right now. Maybe six month ago since I was the one earning the most out of three!
5. I play board game with friends on the week end. Done the other two way to much!

1. When did/do you graduate from high school?
2. Did/do you attend college?
3. If so, what is/was your major?
4. If you didn't attend college, do you ever plan to?
5. If so, what do you plan to study?

1. Him not sure, maybe 1997
2. Yes
3. Electronic/Telecommunication
4. ??!!
5. Should a 28 years old go back to school?? Maybe, but I douth that there a lot of job in what I would like to study. Wildlife conservation or something alike.

Well that about it.