the fuckin weather thread

There is no winter in California this year. A month ago we hit freezing at night for a few days in a row, ever since then 75 degree days and 45+ at night. Lame!
Aw man, Doomcifer's pictures from 2 years ago are gone. I expect they will be bested quite soon.

Y'all stay safe up there, during NOR'EASTERWATCH 3000 or whatever it is being dubbed this time.
keep me in your prayers, everyone. i am in the "totally fucked" zone according to that map. we had that one storm a few years ago which dumped 36'', and this one isnt going to be as bad. so i suppose... technically it "could be worse".
Yeah, I love this shit, to be honest. It makes me feel like a lil kid on a school "snow day" which apparently occur more often nowadays. Shit, they even cancel school nowadays if it is too cold out. WTF is that all about?
Snow is cool and all, but shoveling all that is fucking horseshit. I wasn't home for the storm that Buffalo got back in November, but like 5 feet in 2 days is stupid
Snow is awesome... I love the isolation and reprieve from outside responsibilities. But yeah... Fuck all of the shoveling Ill have to do tomorrow. I live in a pretty remote area of CT and its safe to say that we will be cut off for at least 2 days. Not to mention shoveling out a long, gravel driveway ughhhhhhhhh

At least we have a sweet hill for sledding on these 10 beautiful acres. I'll snap some shots in the morning. Godspeed, northeastern amigos