The funny but offensive picture thread

heh... my grandma is also metal... one time, she was walking the dog, and as she was upon a small bridge, the dof had to pee. Under the bridge, there was a cop... and she let her dog pee at the border of the bridge, just above the cop :lol:
My mom was metal... She really liked it when I played Iron Maiden and Tristania. RIP. :(

It's been posted like a week ago, and I still didnt get it. Maybe because Im not a native speaker?
A baby with its head stuck in the stroller... how is that either offensive or funny? :confused:

Cryptal said:
Me too, except I wanna tear the poster's skull open and serve everyone else his roasted brains with chilli sauce.

:lol: brutal.

Haha, what the hell did I post? I know its been a while but I can't remember shit. If you've got it saved, I'd like to see :D

dunno if this fits the bill of this thread, but once you watch it a few times...

I like captioning pictures. Here we go..


Hogan: Hey everyong, meet me dotter ms hot chica lolz. you wanna mezz with her huh? i bet you don't lmaoz hahaaaa.

Brooke(muttering): Daddy cut the crap?

If this wasn't my daughter...oh who the fuck am I kidding of of course I stuck my dick in a few times, I didn't come so its not incest.