Offensive album covers


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
A friend asked me to help him with some media-studies, and I thought what better people to ask about that disgusting racket they call metal ;) :D

Neway, can you all post any offensive album covers you have here - I was thinking the banned Dimmu one with the limbless corpse, but really anything you think is deemed offensive by the public...

Cheers everyone :D
Gorgasm's Stabwound Intercourse - that would be deemed offensive by more than a few people. Woman is tied up and she has a knife in her vagina. Good album - but I can't stand looking at the cover.

Edit: The Brujeria one with the "real" severed head, perhaps? And I've seen one with a feces picture collage, I can't remember which one. Morbid Angel's Covenant (original cover with pentagram, knife, etc., if I remember correctly)
Corpsevomit - Drowning in puke
Regurgitate - Carnivorous erection

Those albums have pretty offensive covers.

Dying Breed: Day of Reckening
This is the cover to DesolatioN's new CD 'Nemesis' (plug), we just had it finished a few days ago and certainly didn't have the shock factor in mind.
I don't imagine anyone here ill find it offensive, but I've been surprised by some people's reactions.


  • nemesis front cover smaller.jpg
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that's a really cool cover!

thanks. (I hope that was to me and i'm not making a pratt of myself) The original art was by Irrumator of Anaal Nathrakh who we recorded our CD with at Necrodeath studios, and I played around with the colour balance a bit and embedded our logo and the title.

He has a site here where he does art for metal CDs including his own Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro if you know of it (it's bloody good).

glad you like it:D
But..I was pretty repulsed about the coverpic of Gehenna's Admiron Black cd.

But then again I also hated that Nirvana cover when they're drowning that baby. I don't care if its swimming, looks like drowning to me.:mad:

Also the website for december wolves is lookng pretty damn offensive if that's gonna be any prelude to what their cd cover is gonna be like.