are album covers crap now??

what about elkelkáposztástalanítás (plus additional suffices)? once I was told it can be longer than megszentségtelenít... etc. but I don't believe...

finnish also happen to create rather long words too :)
Additional crap suffices indeed :lol:

Dunno about the savoy cabbage word, elkáposztástalaníthatatlanságoskodásaitokért?

Yeah, seems to be one syllabus longer, but only because of the savoy aspect.
in the very first year of our German studying the teacher often offered this word as a reason to gain extra points. if you can write it correctly, you can get an extra point :lol: we hardly ever managed...
snow2fall said:
It's not the length of the words that I find amazing. I wonder how they manage to pronounce a word that doesn't have any vowels in it - apart from y maybe... :hypno: Can't think of any extraordinarily long German word right now btw. Can you?
yizz have been saying sorry for 60 years now so that must be a fairly long word :tickled:
that's cow dung I'm knee-deep in, my friend, don't distort things with your liberal-humanist-modernist attitude