are album covers crap now??

siderea said:
heh you should tell that on the EN forum then
they interpret this picture

as that rollins is a big EN fan

shit actually henrys doing a spoken word here soon, anyone up for that??
oh drag it out if u find, and we'll have a look. funny you say that, cos his last cd, was called 'Treasury' weird
zupi_clone said:
i dont usually say this, in fact, i actually hate having to explain things, cos i know myself what ive done, and would rather let the clues remain for others

but fuck it, im a kunt haha
ah its nice first to have a guess yourself and notice some things but i like it to read afterwards the artist's comments on it anyway, cause you just cant know everything as a 'non-artist' or as the 'non-maker'. like counting the leaves and such.

like a friend takes me to her art school exhibition and there's laying a mountain of pink slimy looking hard stuff, so i ask what that is about and then you get a reply like 'ooh you just have to feel what the guy put in there, its very deep and conceptual'. :rolleyes:

if an artist doesnt want to be misunderstood (if he wants to be understood that is) he shouldn't mind to give some explanation. it doesnt mean your audience is 'that dumb', it's just not always that easy to get everything.

siderea said:
ah its nice first to have a guess yourself and notice some things but i like it to read afterwards the artist's comments on it anyway, cause you just cant know everything as a 'non-artist' or as the 'non-maker'. like counting the leaves and such.

like a friend takes me to her art school exhibition and there's laying a mountain of pink slimy looking hard stuff, so i ask what that is about and then you get a reply like 'ooh you just have to feel what the guy put in there, its very deep and conceptual'. :rolleyes:

if an artist doesnt want to be misunderstood (if he wants to be understood that is) he shouldn't mind to give some explanation. it doesnt mean your audience is 'that dumb', it's just not always that easy to get everything.


ah yes, like i find it much easier to read contemporary fine art than others, like theres more relevance in it to our own time and place

i dont mind explaining, if someones interested they will ask, but i dont just say, 'oh this is about this and that'. when it comes to advertising and poster design nowadays, theres like this 5 seconds for it to function on, and if its message doesnt hit target within that then, its back to the drawing board. its very controlling and can be both good and sad
he he everytime I deal with an advertsing exec, they always go "oh i did the *insert massive national ad campaign* " and i just look blankly and go "eh? nah, never saw it" nothing hurts them more :tickled:

We had one CEO come and mention the expensive ad campaign theyd run and not one of the group had noticed it, and we were pretty much the target audience. he went :erk:
zupi_clone said:
i love that word sexy dont you? *coughs*
Hahaha... Who wouldn't?! :Saint:

zupi_clone said:
vitriol is relatively new in my book, to be found on the not so diverse but obscure neurot recordings
I know. That album was released twenty years after EN's first album. Obscure is the right word, hehe. ;) But I like what I've heard so far. The guy recorded his album in total isolation, in a cottage in the mountains of Wales.

"In 1995 I moved to a remote cottage in the Ystwyth valley, to escape the noise of the city in order to listen, without distraction to the sounds within, sounds that I had been feeling for a long time. I spent 12 months here in virtual total isolation, focusing not only inwards, but also allowing myself to be an elemental "sponge", initially at nature’s mercy, but eventually learning to coexist with all natural elements, becoming completely aware of the natural order and flow of things. One of the ways in which I explored this was using sound, for as a musician I was very aware of the strength of sounds, particularly in a pure state, and the effect they have on our psyche, and therefore our fundamental state of being." - Ben Green :hypno:
pfftt led zepplin did the "record an album in a cottage in the arsehole of wales" thing in the 70s.
and whasseranmes zygotic minkies did it too.

carpet baggers