The Future Of Bodom


Aug 14, 2006
Buffalo, N.Y.
Hey, i just joined the site. Bodoms my favorite fuckin band and i want to get a fans perspective on the future of the band. I'm all for the progression of the band, and i'm not saying i hate A.Y.D.Y.,but it lacks the consistency of Hatebreeder and F.T.R. I want them to progress in a good way where the music doesn't dimminish and it encompasses all the sounds the hatecrew hace come to perfect while still being overly melodic.Hennka stated a new album will be out in the fall of 07 and i think it would be amazing if they combined the catchy pace of A.Y.D.Y with the majestic melodic perfection of F.T.R. Your thoughts on the future of metals number one reigning band:headbang:

In all seriousness I liked AYDY, but didnt think it was nearly as good as the rest, and I hope they try a new direction or go back to their older style.
Well, everyone except gauillaume of bodom want them to go back to their old style but we all know itll never happen. I thnik theyll, sadly, become more industrial and mtv-friendly and they will lose all of their old fans for new ones like grimreaper.
FearTheReaper said:
Hey, i just joined the site. Bodoms my favorite fuckin band and i want to get a fans perspective on the future of the band. I'm all for the progression of the band, and i'm not saying i hate A.Y.D.Y.,but it lacks the consistency of Hatebreeder and F.T.R. I want them to progress in a good way where the music doesn't dimminish and it encompasses all the sounds the hatecrew hace come to perfect while still being overly melodic.Hennka stated a new album will be out in the fall of 07 and i think it would be amazing if they combined the catchy pace of A.Y.D.Y with the majestic melodic perfection of F.T.R. Your thoughts on the future of metals number one reigning band:headbang:
I say they screw Bodom and Jaska and Henkka go do different projects, Janne go back to Warmen, and Alexi and Roope to go back to Sinergy. That way everyone is happy. :)
i really don't like AYDY that much either...i mean compared to all the other metal bands out there right now, yeah, its good, cuz afterall, it is COB. so you can still hear a bit of the original COB in there, but sadly, not much. Hatebreeder and FTR were the best albums ever made by any band. i watched an interview with alexi, and he says that he can't help the way AYDY sounds. he says that's just what comes out naturally. all the music he's going to write is going to be whatever comes natural to him, he's not gonna try to write in a certain style, just natural. haha, so yeah, you get the natural point. anyway, i really hope that alexi's "natural" writing style goes back to that of Hatebreeder and FTR. even Something Wild sounds better than AYDY, and that was their debut. Hatecrew Deathroll was ok, but you can tell that it was leading up to AYDY. so i guess all we can do is hope.
If Bodom go emo, then you know the worlds gone crazy. I didn't like AYDY as much as their other albums tho. As for their future, I just hope to God that they don't make another album similar to AYDY. I mean, Living Dead Beat, Trashed Lost and Strungout, AYDY, and Bastards of Bodom were good, but the rest wasn't too good.
I'll always like and listen to Children of Bodom.... but the "old style" (if we can call it like this) was so magic....
yes: magic, 'cause so particular, refined but strong in the meantime....I loved it.... :cry:
On the next CoB :

- ..that will be named " Fuck You Motherfucker Die "
- ..there won't be any solos (St Anger's generation)
- ..will be featured Jonathan Davis
- ..Janne will play muted
- ..Roope'll play more than Alexi
- ..and Alexi will be naturalized American and live in NYC.

I'm so impatient.
Nikotiini said:
fuck it....yell at me, make fun of me, but i like them all. I like all of Cob's albums... and as long as they don't go emo or something WAY off track... then I think I will always like them.
Not all of us are "ArG AYDY ARE T3H SUCKS n00b" Types :p

I like AYDY except for Next in Line.
FearTheReaper said:
Hey, i just joined the site. Bodoms my favorite fuckin band and i want to get a fans perspective on the future of the band. I'm all for the progression of the band, and i'm not saying i hate A.Y.D.Y.,but it lacks the consistency of Hatebreeder and F.T.R. I want them to progress in a good way where the music doesn't dimminish and it encompasses all the sounds the hatecrew hace come to perfect while still being overly melodic.Hennka stated a new album will be out in the fall of 07 and i think it would be amazing if they combined the catchy pace of A.Y.D.Y with the majestic melodic perfection of F.T.R. Your thoughts on the future of metals number one reigning band:headbang:

_DJ_british_motard_ said:
Well, everyone except gauillaume of bodom want them to go back to their old style but we all know itll never happen. I thnik theyll, sadly, become more industrial and mtv-friendly and they will lose all of their old fans for new ones like grimreaper. old style like 1002541456161x beter than AYDY so stfu you don't even know who I am
BucketBanger9000 said:
I say they screw Bodom and Jaska and Henkka go do different projects, Janne go back to Warmen, and Alexi and Roope to go back to Sinergy. That way everyone is happy. :)