The Gaming Thread


Flesh To Steel
Feb 28, 2007
Windsor, Canada
Okay so I've noticed there are a few of us that get off-topic in threads talking about games, and it makes sense to have an actual thread for all things gaming!

To begin I have just begun the game Amnesia : Dark Descent and I fucking love it. It's like 11:15 here right now so it's dark, cold and the lights are out in my room which is exactly how a game like this needs to be played. The fact you don't get a weapon to defend yourself is actually part of why it's such an effective horror game, you actually shit bricks when you feel threatened.

I have not played a horror game that forced you to run and hide rather than fight since Clock Tower for Playstation, another great game for its time. Although my guess is that Clock Tower probably doesn't stand the test of time, a guy with a massive pair of scissors is still pretty awesome.

On that note I am wondering if anyone here knows of any other really great survival horrors (preferably PC) that slipped under the radar like Prenumbra. I obviously know all about Silent Hill and Resident Evil series but I'm sure there are plenty of scary games I've missed over the years. Actually System Shock 2 kinda counts, that game was spooky at the time... and SHODAN... *shivers*
Right now my mind is drawing a blank with independent survival horror games. I have a fetish for anything with the slightest fright factor in games, as immersion is the only way I can truly scare myself, and gaming is the best method of immersion imo (in media). Not to mention, I just love getting scared. So yeah, i'll keep my eye out for anything from true survival horror to shooters with sci fi elements.

^Thanks for making this thread by the way. Was contemplating doing the same, but ended up saying fuck it as the Bloodbath forums only stay on topic in the offtopic thread. Well, I guess there is Boobs VS Ass as well..
I have a couple of independently made games I've been playing a bit to show here actually. These are really really simple but addicting games, nothing like a studio would make.

Shoot First is a fun little game that uses simple sprites and old school art. It randomly generates dungeons and your job is basically just to see how far you can get without dying. Death means starting over but usually that's what makes you come back for more, because you know you could have dodged that boulder and next time you'll get further damnit!! I liked it anyways for its simplicity and addictive nature through difficulty, reminds me of why Nintendo was such a great system.
Where I heard about it:

The second game is called Cortex Command, which is basically a realtime, more advanced version of Worms. You build bases, mine resouces and control soldiers/robots in real time. It's quite hard but if you love terrain destruction like Worms, Cortex Command has pixel by pixel destruction, every bullet leaves a mark (or wound if you shoot a person) and explosions send limbs and ground flying. I found it fun. You're supposed to buy it, but there are of course torrents...

Whats the multiplayer support like for Cortex Command?
I know there is multiplayer support but I've never used it, so I can't say how well it works. It's a hard game though and at first I didn't know what the hell was going on. lol
Ah. I'll have to look into it, I'd love to have some Wormsesque fun matches with a few of my old friends from back home.
Speaking about smaller, simple yet addictive games, i'm going to throw one out there that hopefully everyone knows by now anyways. Plants VS Zombies. PC, iphone, ipad, x-box 360....there are more than enough platforms it supports to give you ZERO excuse not to dabble in this nice little time waster.
Yeah laptops are pretty shitty on the performance/price ratio. A good tower is half the price and twice as fast.

Yeah, I bought my laptop when I started my studies because I wanted to be able to take it with me to the university but I want to be able to game and stuff...not just use word and internet...
What you wanted is to look cool at your uni.

Anyone plays racing games? No? Playing Shift, works pretty well inside the COCKpit on the hardest AI setting, it immerses you pretty well when you are trying to get perfect lap times, I'm trying to get everything done in the game but I hate the races where you have to spin opponents, that's not gentleman racing.
Well.. F.E.A.R. is kinda scary sometimes, but Amnesia is fakken awesome!

However. Condemned is suppose to be really scary. Havn't played it, so I can't say it is. But my room-mate shat bricks for a week after playing 1 hour. lol.
Ahh, a games thread :D I'm one of those people who plays a game for a while, then stops for whatever reason and moves on to another game. There has never been a time when I've played multiple games at the same time :p
Right now I'm playing a game called League of Legends, which is free to download and play, and I'd recommend everyone to check it out.
What you wanted is to look cool at your uni.

Anyone plays racing games? No? Playing Shift, works pretty well inside the COCKpit on the hardest AI setting, it immerses you pretty well when you are trying to get perfect lap times, I'm trying to get everything done in the game but I hate the races where you have to spin opponents, that's not gentleman racing.

Memememememememe :)
I play the bought version of Trackmania. Don't know if you know it? If not, you should (like everyone else) download the free version of it, pretty awesome game actually :)

Download link