The 'geek/nerd/anime/comics/etc.' thread

Has any of you ventured into the land of Skyrim yet? I've played a couple of hours now, loving it.

Many months later postscript... I spent about 200 hours in Skyrim since it came out. Best game I've played in many, many years. I was never an Elder Scrolls fan, either.

I wonder if they'll release all of Tamriel using Skyrim's engine? I believe that would be the goal of the company, to take the original dream of Arena and make the world that was not possible decades ago.
I just saw the anime version of Iron Man. Looks like it was based more into the movie than the comic, but it beats the shit out of the movie.
I just got the Murder Princess OVA series. Good natured fun actionfest all the way it seems (haven't seen the last two episodes). A bit short though, only six episodes in all. From the way the ones I have seen looked, I wouldn't mind there being more of this!
Avengers was fun and overall well done. I don't like Johanson's acting but the rest of the crew did a good job. The emphasis was on Iron Man and Hulk, I would like they had more Thor cool moments tho.
i just saw "chronicle"
it was really well done
it showed superpowered people, but it was an original screenplay
as much as i love what's been happening with Marvel's heroes getting their movies
i think i'd love to see many more original-screenplay-superpowered-people movies
the other movie like this that i saw was Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson
seriously Chronicle was really good and Unbreakable was way way better than anything else shyamalan has ever done
i just saw "chronicle"
it was really well done
it showed superpowered people, but it was an original screenplay
as much as i love what's been happening with Marvel's heroes getting their movies
i think i'd love to see many more original-screenplay-superpowered-people movies
the other movie like this that i saw was Unbreakable with Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson
seriously Chronicle was really good and Unbreakable was way way better than anything else shyamalan has ever done

Unbreakable's one of my favorite 'super hero' movies of all time.:/ M. Night used to be pretty awesome.:D Also enjoyed Chronicle.

My 'super hero' top five, just for the hell of it:
Hellboy 2
Spider-Man 2

Tough to pick though, kinda surprising there's been so many awesome super hero movies made in the last decade or two. IMO. Still haven't seen Avengers, gotta get my ass to the movies before it finishes it's run.:S

Also, it'd be nice if Warner Bros, who owns the entire DC catalogue (unlike Marvel sadly, 20th Century Fox own the rights to X-Men, Fantastic Four and Daredevil, Sony has Spider-man, New Line Cinema owns Blade,... so I doubt we'll ever get to see Spider-Man or Wolverine pop up in an Avengers sequel:() would try their own 'avengers-style' project with Justice League. I noticed they're putting out a new Super Man movie next year, then they can do Flash, reboot Green Lantern (because it sucked ass), reboot Batman, put out Wonder Woman, throw around some cameos and shit to tie the movies together and then finally... bring on Justice League. Could be cool, doesn't look like it's happening though.:S
I liked Unbreakable as well, but didn't find it better than The Sixth Sense. Haven't actually seen Hellboy II yet, although I would love to do so, as I really digged the first film (except for that completely anti-climactic end fight...), and I have honestly never understood why Spidey II get so much more credit than the first one. They're both great, but I think I prefer the first one actually. THen again, I've always liked the transition part of the films, where the normal man/woman becomes the superhero.
And I know he's not a super hero in the traditional sense, but noone kicks more ass than Solomon Kane!
Saw all the movies leading up to The Avengers recently. The Iron Man movies were pretty good, The Incredible Hulk and Captain America were just "meh". But, Thor. Fuck Thor and everyone involved in the conception of that movie. Every line spoken seemed like it was written by someone who had never heard a conversation in their life. I never cared about any of the characters and the plot was forgettable at best. The only redeeming quality was that Asgard had a pretty cool look.
Yikes.:D I truly loved Thor, I thought it was the best of the pre-Avengers movie bunch. Was great seeing a movie based on a damn comic book that didn't take itself too seriously. Well, suum cuique.