The 'geek/nerd/anime/comics/etc.' thread

ben affleck just yesterday turned down chance to direct justice league movie
DC still plans to release justice league movie same time as avengers sequel
and DC already wants to make batman movie without Nolan being involved

Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG set in a new fantasy world developed by Obsidian Entertainment.

Obsidian Entertainment and our legendary game designers Chris Avellone, Tim Cain, and Josh Sawyer are excited to bring you a new role-playing game for the PC. Project Eternity (working title) pays homage to the great Infinity Engine games of years past: Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment.

Project Eternity aims to recapture the magic, imagination, depth, and nostalgia of classic RPGs that we enjoyed making - and playing. At Obsidian, we have the people responsible for many of those classic games and we want to bring those games back… and that’s why we’re here - we need your help to make it a reality!


Backed this today. The fifth game I've backed on Kickstarter so far and the third RPG. And I'm excited! Proper RPGs are coming back, hooray!:D

Anyway, they reached their initial goal in less than a day, 1,1 million dollars!:O Should end up @ around 4 or 4,5 million by the end IMO, plenty for them to make a quality product.
I bought Dragon (the dictation software). Anyone have any experience with this? OS Mountain Lion comes with a dictation software, but I'm on Windows 7 now. I tried Dragon many years ago, but it wasn't very good. Five years later, it already has done in 5 minutes what it couldn't do in weeks, that is, understand my speech.

It seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to salvaging my left hand from tendonitis / carpel / whatever the hell is happening to it.
I bought Dragon (the dictation software). Anyone have any experience with this? OS Mountain Lion comes with a dictation software, but I'm on Windows 7 now. I tried Dragon many years ago, but it wasn't very good. Five years later, it already has done in 5 minutes what it couldn't do in weeks, that is, understand my speech.

It seems pretty cool. I'm looking forward to salvaging my left hand from tendonitis / carpel / whatever the hell is happening to it.

I haven't used it, but I've heard it's quite good.
I hope this will be true, Nolan destroyed Batman.

I haven't seen the last Batman movie. But... that statement is bananas. Dark Knight alone was a seminal pop culture movie. It's very rare to have a movie that has both popular resonance and cult approval. A minority of Batman fans disliked Nolan (again, I heard more mixed things about the third installment).

I still can't imagine worse being done to Bane that was done to that character in Batman and Robin. He was a fucken robot that Uma Thurman turned on and off, and was beaten by being turned off.


Just sayin'. Third time usually ain't a charm, the X-Men movies also got fucked up the ass by X-Men 3. I guess third installments just bring out the crazy in directors / producers.
I hope this will be true, Nolan destroyed Batman.

I haven't seen the last Batman movie. But... that statement is bananas. Dark Knight alone was a seminal pop culture movie. It's very rare to have a movie that has both popular resonance and cult approval. A minority of Batman fans disliked Nolan (again, I heard more mixed things about the third installment).

I still can't imagine worse being done to Bane that was done to that character in Batman and Robin. He was a fucken robot that Uma Thurman turned on and off, and was beaten by being turned off.


Just sayin'. Third time usually ain't a charm, the X-Men movies also got fucked up the ass by X-Men 3. I guess third installments just bring out the crazy in directors / producers.

The Dark Knight
it sucked because Two-Face and Joker definately should have been 2 SEPERATE movies
and here's how it could have easily been done
starting at the begining and moving foreward, leave the movie exactly the way we saw it, up untill the scene where harvey dent's chair falls over

do a scene where Joker and all the mobsters are tricked into thinking Harvey dent is dead, then the audience sees Harvey is not dead, he's in a coma in a hospital, then show batman/police aprehend joker/mobsters, then show bruce wayne and james gordon in the hospital talking over Harvey dent's comatose body, with the camera showing Harvey's normal looking side of the face, bruce and jim talking about how they were able to successfully aprehend mobsters/joker, then they leave the room, leave the building, get into their cars, and the camera comes back into the hospital room, you see harvey from the knees up, then the camera pans up so you're only seeing him from the waist up, then creepy-tim-burton-movie-type-music, then more camera panning, then we see the melted side of his face for the first time, then extreme close-up of his closed eyelids, then he opens his eyes with a kick-ass special effect showing his eye just as melted as his face, then cut to the end credits where Two-Face is the main villian of the NEXT movie

all the dialogue of Joker and Harvey Dent talking to each other was, to me, the part that ruined the movie, that diologue exchange was trying to hard to be a philosophical/social commentary type movie
Comic to film, novel to film... these things will often piss diehards off. A blockbuster is both the best and the worst vehicle for superhero adaptations. They're the only kind of movies with the budget to create the fantastical element of superheroes and draw acting talent that can do pop lore justice. But they are also 2-3 hour contained bites of those topics.

The Batman stories are not Lord of the Rings. You can't cliffhanger into another movie, nor is a director with a finite contract with a studio going to add on extra movies when he has other projects. I guess I'm saying that... well, there's no accounting for taste, but the idea that the Dark Knight sucked is a relatively minority opinion. You do have good reasons for your opinion, I'm not saying it's not subjectively valid. But the idea that Nolan destroyed Batman, the man who re-popularized Batman and did so in a way that actually rose expectations that the movies would be compelling, well-acted, and interesting to both casual and knowledgeable Batman fans... it doesn't seem to me a reasonable notion.

They're good flicks, especially for Hollywood blockbuster fare. One day someone will do the super ultra geeky huge budget Batman that will last 6 hours, please every Batman homer in the world, and lose 100 million dollars. And it will be a good day. But that day has not come, so my philosophy is let the comic trend give us something to watch in the meantime. Every X-Men: First Class and Dark Knight is a win in my book, because it brings us a step closer to that day of reckoning. In the meantime, appreciate that Heath Ledger turned himself literally into a psychopath because he believed the Joker was worth going crazy.
Comic to film, novel to film... these things will often piss diehards off.

my whole fucking point is that they don't have to

just go out and get some actual die-hard fans of the source material to be the writers/directers/producers of all movies that are based on pre-existing source-material
just go out and get some actual die-hard fans of the source material to be the writers/directers/producers of all movies that are based on pre-existing source-material

Film and comics, I guess, are further apart as mediums than films and other forms of literature. Graphic novels may sell themselves as literature, rather than just pop art, but in the public mind that's a hard sell. In other words, finding a director who 1) is a Batman comics freak and is well read in that realm and 2) is a talented, established director who can pitch a Batman script and have it produced at a Hollywood-level blockbuster budget is very, very hard.

In fact, I would go further and argue that Nolan is the absolute best you can do in this regard. Tim Burton's Batman movies were pretty much stories he came up with, and Batman was just an outer shell to sell the story as a movie. Basically nothing to do with what you call lore. The other directors... well, we all know what Batman Forever and the Clooney Batman movies were like.

Again, not saying you don't have a valid reason for disliking Nolan. But he did pretty good, all things considered. I think the man deserves a lot of credit for making some pretty good movies. Were they without major problems? No, but find me some better comic book movies. Not too many, to be honest, fit that bill...
In fact, I would go further and argue that Nolan is the absolute best you can do in this regard. Tim Burton's Batman movies were pretty much stories he came up with, and Batman was just an outer shell to sell the story as a movie. Basically nothing to do with what you call lore. The other directors... well, we all know what Batman Forever and the Clooney Batman movies were like.

the people in charge of hiring the director for the first batman movie, they hired the director of BeetleJuice, that's what they did, and it worked out really well

i'd even go as far as to say that the Tim Burton Batman movies were a hell of a lot better than the Nolan Batman movies, it's all about finding a director that's going to be able to do the type of movie you wanna make

with Avengers, for example, the studio didn't give a fucking rat's ass about why Joss Whedon was fired from directing the Wonder Woman movie, the studio just needed a director who could do a "big ensemble cast"-type movie, and they hired the guy who had made "ensemble cast"-type TV shows "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Firefly"
he gave each "hero" character equal screentime, and at the end of the day, i still think that a really huge part of what's making the MCU movies do so fucking well is that they're actually being made by people that are actually fans of the comics

i can honestly say that i don't really think it's really all that difficult to make a superhero movie that's actually entertaining to the fans of the comics, i really think that the movies that the fans hate are just being made by studios that are getting lazy
By the way, I'm not arguing Tim Burton's Batman was bad. I LOVE the Tim Burton Batman films. They were amazing. I'm just pointing out that Tim Burton had almost no use for anything to do whatsoever with Batman lore. At all. Yet, you still think (like any person with any modicum of good taste) that they're great movies. And you're perfectly correct.

There aren't that many high-profile directors who are supergeeks like Joss Wheadon. I think that the existence of a few, which we're all glad for, isn't indicative of how making good movies is just a matter of finding people invested and knowledgeable about source material.

My favorite example: the Deer Hunter is a great movie. It is also fucking horrible on the subject its based on, the Vietnam War. Yet, no one will tell you anything except that it's a great movie, including me. There's not one "thing" that makes a great movie. If there was, there'd never be any bad movies. We do know lots of things make bad movies.

I know that's getting almost off the subject, but it applies here to what we're talking about. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who did as well as Nolan, while engaging in Batman lore. The other great Batman director, Tim Burton, completely disengaged from the print material to make his movie (which was normal at the time; no one bothered with that prior to the late 1990s).
Seems George Lucas sold the rights to Star Wars (Lucasfilm) to Disney. And that's actually AWESOME NEWS! I mean, I love Star Wars, would definitely want to see another movie, but definitely not from the minds and hands of George Lucas and his pack of yes men that made the terrible prequel trilogy. With somebody else doing the writing and directing, the odds of us getting a GOOD movie increase enormously. Lucas will still be involved as a creative consultant, but I'm sure whoever ends up working on the new movies, will do their best to ignore/challenge him on all the stupid ideas Georgie's surely bound to come up with, which is something that the aforementioned pack of yes man never did. So hooray!