The Geek Thread

Yup I use Windows 7 too. It took a long time for me to leave ol' faithful Windows XP, and Vista definitely WAS NOT the answer. Windows 7 I tried in beta and it was already more stable and more efficient than Vista was with a service pack behind it. And for sound systems are we talking for your PC or are we talking living room speakers?

For PC:
Sound card - Auzentech X-FI Prelude (By far the best sound card I've ever had, outshines almost all consumer level sound cards and has a gaming mode to get uber-realistic surround sound and atmosphere + entertainment and audio creation modes)
Speakers - Logitech Z-5500 Digital 5.1 Speakers (
Headphones - Sennheiser HD 555 - Great for Gaming and Music both. They are starting to get a bit old but they still kick ass...(

For living room... I spend my money on computer stuff I don't have a second sound system! :lol:
Logitech X-540 5.1 Surround Sound Speaker System

^Those are the exact speakers I had before these. Honestly they had a better balance of treble/bass than my new ones :erk:. These ones I have to turn the bass to the minimum to get a reasonable sound quality. It's killer once you do that but otherwise all your hear is bass, and I don't like Hip Hop, I like a variety of sounds beyond "boom boom boom". :P
i use two speakers, i got them when a friend was moving out of the place they were abandoning. they happened to be in one of the rooms where a guy had already taken off, so i took them.

that was 5 years ago :lol: