Well, you cant expect everyone to like it and they have the right to say that too. No need to get upset over it. And whats up with the caps? Those posts are more annoying imo.
Qth said:
Well, you cant expect everyone to like it and they have the right to say that too. No need to get upset over it. And whats up with the caps? Those posts are more annoying imo.

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.....CAPS ROCK;) ....Im ready to lighten up a bit.....but I had to get it out of my system...
Jonas sorry i am lost in this "new" katatonia discussion and forget your awesome vocal performance.

PS:Read posts again noone said they had to return their roots.The ones dont like "new" katatonia anymore wont listen it anymore.They have just said katatonia had changed.That's all and this all "caps" and "dot" shit hurting my eyes i hope "new" katatonia wont write the lyrics this way.

My twin gets better with each listening the ones dont like it listen it 875683479569827345 times.Now i am listening the 875683479569827344th one and i hope that that's their WORST song of the album.Katatonia must break the limits of supremacy must create that can not be imagine must drift above depression and art.Once again Jonas let me growl like you.

"......I LOVE YOU........"
weird idea for logo but great although.. great art work,everyone will say so.. wonderful song.. come to Greece!
for those who have been wondering about it :
The Peaceville Newsletter said:
We are delighted to announce Katatonia's seventh studio album "the great
cold distance". The album was recorded and mixed at Fascination Street,
Örebro, Sweden in the summer of 2005. Produced by Nyström/Renkse and
co-produced, mixed & engineered by Jens Bogren & David Castillo.

Art direction has been lovingly interpreted by Travis Smith. Photography by
Olle Carlsson.

The album will be preceded by the excellent single "my twin". Available
Monday 13th February 2006.
(Download single available from Monday 6th February 2006).
Here's my version:

The neck and then this shame
The head is hung in shame
The neck and then this shame
The head is hung in shame

I thought as you went cold (this can't be though)
That you would carry on
But now that I am gone
What else's been withdrawn?

You used to be like my twin
And all that's been
Was it all for nothin'
Are you strong when you're with him?
The one has placed you
Above us all

I think of love
I let it pass
It feels like fire
But it won't last

You used to be like my twin
And all that's been
Was it all for nothin'
Are you strong when you're with him?
The one that's placed you
Above us all

What is it coming to?
I am unwilling to go on
You have lost
No one has won

Hmm, what can I say, 2:40 min isn't much + I`m in an internet cafe and the radio here is too loud, fuckin Limp Bizkit rapes the new Katatonia song :erk:
Gotta wait til 13th feb/ march to get Katatonia in full length and without background noises...
The artwork looks great, this red/ black is very much my taste!
I stared at the songtitles for a little while and tried to imagine the music behind them, haha...

One of my faves will be Leaders cause I'm a bit first- song- obsessed and Katatonia know so very well how to open an album so Leaders certainly kicks ass!
Then I thought there could be a connection between Leaders and Follower and also these words made me think of Bloodbath- Cancer Of The Soul, well, just my first idea, musically it is surely very different ;)
The other song that grabbed my attention immediately is In The White 'cause I like colours in songtitles, sounds like a snowdrop- song, beautiful and disharmonic...
July could be an easy summer song but as we speak about Katatonia it is probably rather the opposite, the darkest song of the album.
Deliberation sounds twisted and painful, title reminds me of Dispossession in a way, both these words fascinate me.
Soils Song- a tribute to Soilwork?:grin: I remember there was a thread about Soilwork ripping off Katatonia songtitles, so maybe this is the revenge ;)
Journey Through Pressure would be an addictive and merciless finish that leaves the listener desperate and crying...

Haha, maybe I'm going too far but I like this guessing. What sort of associations do you have? Please tell!!

Last but not least: very good album title, I like it a lot!! Jonas always seems to find the right words to make me suffer...

Well, ok, I know this album is going to be fantastic!!
Cheers and congratulations to the band! You rule!!! :rock:
falling bird said:
Here's my version:

The neck and then this shame
The head is hung in shame
The neck and then this shame
The head is hung in shame

I thought as you went cold (this can't be though)
That you would carry on
But now that I am gone
What else's been withdrawn?

You used to be like my twin
And all that's been
Was it all for nothin'
Are you strong when you're with him?
The one has placed you
Above us all

I think of love
I let it pass
It feels like fire
But it won't last

You used to be like my twin
And all that's been
Was it all for nothin'
Are you strong when you're with him?
The one that's placed you
Above us all

What is it coming to?
I am unwilling to go on
You have lost
No one has won



Cis said:
Haha, maybe I'm going too far but I like this guessing. What sort of associations do you have? Please tell!!

Last but not least: very good album title, I like it a lot!! Jonas always seems to find the right words to make me suffer...

the title.. I haven´t thought about that association..ohhh...*das stimmt:cry: *

let´s try to write some sensations connected to the titles...(it will be funny then to compare with the real songs...)
Leaders and follower..yes they seem somehow connected, maybe the first one is about political leaders, dictators and so on, and the other one about oppressed people or followers of a political crede, religion, least there was this kind of thematic also in viva emptiness...(complicity, etc.)
Deliberation...something that has to do with court? a trial, someone waiting to the final deliberation about his life...
soil´s song...maybe a ballad, or a song in omerta style? reminds me of Will Oldham style...don´t know why
The itch...something unpleasant that burns inside and gives you the feeling and desire to get rid of it, to do something...
July...summer in a kata song? strange, maybe it´s a particular date like march 4, I don´t think it´s about the beautiful Swedish summer:)
In the white? beautiful title, no clues about it though..white= snow? curious ..since the kata colour has been black so far..he he

journey through presure, that´s actually me and Cis travelling to see katatonia concerts and rushing always to come on time to the gig trying not to miss the beginning...:p those were really all journeys through pressure
ether said:
...journey through presure, that´s actually me and Cis travelling to see katatonia concerts and rushing always to come on time to the gig trying not to miss the beginning...:p those were really all journeys through pressure...

;D yah... and maybe it's a tribute to both of you and you don't know it :grin:

For me it sounds like the title of an instrumental song... dunno why ... something even darker than inside the city of glass... or so...
dunno v.v
I don't really have words to describe what I just heard. Every Katatonia album is a milestone for me; music wise and in life. I just wish that I wasn't teased so far in advance. We all have to wait 2 1/2 months for the ep and 3 1/2 for the full deal. It's going to be a long winter!