To stop people that want to download it is just basically impossible.

What annoys me are those people, that HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE including the band, that they got it.

One more time: If you have downloaded it - your buisness.

But for the love of GOD can you just TRY not to scream about it on Katatonias own forum???
You might as well seek the band members up and wiggle your mp3 player in front of their faces dancing and singing "I got your album, I got your album!"
requiem said:
Why any one would want to hear it on a computer without the booklet, full artwork and on a perfect sounding cd is beyond me.

I am sick to death with this whole thing. Some of you people claim to like Katatonia so much that you can't wait to hear it, even though you say you will buy it once it's released. If you truly respect the music and the band, just wait and buy the fucking album and actually enjoy the experience of holding off for a while before receiving gratification.

"Fuck you" to every single person who downloaded it, however good your purported intentions. You think you're real fans, but believe me, you're nothing of the sort.
requiem said:
Why any one would want to hear it on a computer without the booklet, full artwork and on a perfect sounding cd is beyond me.
why? cause then they get to listen to it..
simple as that I guess :Spin:
I will check out samples before buying any album, even from my favorite bands. I do this because I am not rich and I need to know if I still like the music. And downloading is a great way to discover bands. I wouldn't have the same appreciation of music that I do today without downloading. This means: Without downloading, bands would loose money from me not going to gigs and not buying future releases.
However, people shouldn't keep downloading after becoming fans.
I just don't understand why people just dont download legally!

Hooray for i-tunes!

You get singles and things earlier and it gives u something to grab onto until the actual album comes out for purchase!

daimonion said:
One more time: If you have downloaded it - your buisness.

But for the love of GOD can you just TRY not to scream about it on Katatonias own forum???
You might as well seek the band members up and wiggle your mp3 player in front of their faces dancing and singing "I got your album, I got your album!"

I totally agree with this, it perplexes me to why people are all 'I downloaded it and its amazing, im so cool' etcetc. We know its gonna be good and it just shows that they cant wait a short while for something, just like 5yearold kids. And you cant really call yourself a fan if you illegaly download music as you clearly have no respect for the bands music.

Anyway we should be rejoycing that the album is just round the corner and the single is available tommorrow!
