The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Sounds nice! :)

Sure it does...

Call me ComplainMan, my complaining brought heavy rain and 7 degrees today. PERFECT, could finally breath some fresh air and feel nice, cool wind on my skin :3
Stupid people that blocked railways, no trains at all this week, entire city with the surrounding towns depends on the buses, i had to change 4 buses to get to home.
Fuck everything.
^That's bullshit. I had to get train, bus and then another bus to get home too, since the train assholes can't figure out how the metal the rails are made of works. Not two months pass without them having to fix something.

I just want to fuck off and live on an island sometimes.
At least you have decent public transport. For some reason southern Canada refuses to use local trains, subways and has piss-poor bus system that will get you within 1 km of your destination at best. If you need to get somewhere efficiently you have to pay a ridiculously inflated taxi fee. Just to get across my old city of Windsor in a taxi I would end up paying about $40-50 Canadian. Either that or leave my house 2 hours early to get on the rare bus that has to make 10,000 stops because there are not enough of them. Infrastructure in America is falling so far behind the rest of the developed world. It's really quite pathetic that the Canadian government is following the US horrible example (because it's working so well for their middle class,) and is more interested in giving tax breaks to rich people while letting the roads, transport and social welfare go down the shitter. :mad:
At least you have decent public transport. For some reason southern Canada refuses to use local trains, subways and has piss-poor bus system that will get you within 1 km of your destination at best. If you need to get somewhere efficiently you have to pay a ridiculously inflated taxi fee. Just to get across my old city of Windsor in a taxi I would end up paying about $40-50 Canadian. Either that or leave my house 2 hours early to get on the rare bus that has to make 10,000 stops because there are not enough of them. Infrastructure in America is falling so far behind the rest of the developed world. It's really quite pathetic that the Canadian government is following the US horrible example (because it's working so well for their middle class,) and is more interested in giving tax breaks to rich people while letting the roads, transport and social welfare go down the shitter. :mad:

Careful if you keep talking like that you will soon be accused for being a communist! :lol:
Oh shit I'm part of the Red Scourge. Soon I will be blacklisted and put on trial. It's okay though, I'll wear corpsepaint and an ungodly amount of nails to my deposition so everyone takes me seriously.
It's actually pretty hilarious how quick Americans are to jump to the "OMG HE'S A COMMIE!" standpoint if you mention universal healthcare and that your country is mostly socialist :)
Your public transport cant be that bad. In Poorland it's that bad, that i'd rather live with parents again for sometime and buy a car, than live alone and travel by bus / tram. It might be better after the cities are done with renovations but until then, it's hell. I dont need to travel by train, but I know that jews had better traveling conditions than poles. It's not India level, but close.