The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

And thats why Id rather pay more for small apartment than rent a room. I just dont want to deal with other human beings and pay for it. Lived so far with a skinhead listening to the most disgusting rap ever; whore and gay. Then i decided to pay ~~70 euro more but be alone. Best decision in my life so far.
But then some fucker wrecked my car and im with mommy again yay
Debating if i should rent a room in this apartment in which my possible future flatmate is creepy as hell. Or that other apartment who's owner seems like a pothead that cant put 2 coherent sentences together. Id rather continue living with my mother than with these people. The struggle to find a normal place is real.
Ive called around 5 or 6 possible flatmates and wtf is with all of them being some weird ass guys.

I would avoid living with random strangers, particularly strange men.... There must be a better idea than that. I have my own little apartment and even though I'm usually pretty much broke I would still much rather have a place to myself than end up with weird people I don't know or trust. That's my thoughts anyways.
I dont mind living with my mother, we are like bff that watch indian and turkish soap operas together, but i cant travel anymore, im wasting around 4 hours a day travelling, and when i get home im too tired to study or do anything constructive.
I would avoid living with random strangers, particularly strange men.... There must be a better idea than that. I have my own little apartment and even though I'm usually pretty much broke I would still much rather have a place to myself than end up with weird people I don't know or trust. That's my thoughts anyways.

Yep, but people do that all the time here. Its just that i didnt have a lot of luck with my search for now. Id rather live on my own but i cant afford it, so im forced to search for a flatmate.
I would avoid living with random strangers, particularly strange men.... There must be a better idea than that. I have my own little apartment and even though I'm usually pretty much broke I would still much rather have a place to myself than end up with weird people I don't know or trust. That's my thoughts anyways.

From my friends' experiances, at least in eastern Europe the females are more "strange" flat mates than men.
Indeed, i still get shivers when i remember my two flatmates in campus. But then again, my campus was really big and weird, and ive seen some strange shit. After seeing a guy shaving his chest on the balcony and singing old folk songs in 6 am, you just stop paying attention to anything. :lol:
i had a bad day.

just one of those times when you feel overwhelmed, and like youve hit a point where you can try as hard as you want and it wont quite be good enough due to time constraints.

could be worse i guess, just greatly depressing and my butt hurts
Damn, im just feeling guilty as fuck.

Im playing this MMO called ArcheAge, you can buy land there and plant trees, breed animals whatever.
I had 2 sheep, which I bought 2 weeks ago and I was sheering them everyday and feeding them, all other animals died long time ago, they seemed to live forever and...
Today I had to butcher them because they werent profitable and were wasting precious space. And I feel sad for killing few pixels :(((((((((

I deserve hell, if i killed them for food, thats k, but I killed them because i felt like they were worthless and....

Question to all folks living outside of UK/Canada/USA

Do comics and books in your country that are in english are too so damn expensive?
Im not a fan of translations, because it often ruins the mood and amtosphere, so I hunt for comic books and novels in english, but, for fuck sake, if the comics suggested price is 2.99$ and after converting conversy I have to pay 8 bucks or more then this is ridiculous. I understand the VAT, shipping but cmon, its cheaper for me to import every single piece by myself than buying it from the bookstore.
Wanted to buy me some Walking Dead and Silent Hill comics but nope, not gonna pay 45 bucks for 1 TD issue.
I tried to order some russian books, and then i saw shipping price and i gave up. But tbh, ordering anything to Serbia is a pain in the ass cause of shipping and taxes.