The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I have lived almost all my life in a small town just north of Stockholm but my family really is from way up north in Sweden from a really small and god forsaken shithole of a town and almost all my relatives still live up there. I lived there for just a brief period as a child and I have almost no memory of the time when we lived there but I will still always think of that as home in a weird way...

I know the feeling,from the age 5 to 12 i lived in 6 different towns/cities, ive been constantly moving from Serbia to Bosnia, that idk whats my home exactly...I suppose its Bosnia, but i dont like living there...Its tragic when you dont have any roots and no matter where you go you're nothing but a low life immigrant.
After i graduate and find a job, ill probably finish building a house my parents started and move there. I do need lots of money for that though, so im preparing to get raped by bank loans.
I know the feeling,from the age 5 to 12 i lived in 6 different towns/cities, ive been constantly moving from Serbia to Bosnia, that idk whats my home exactly...I suppose its Bosnia, but i dont like living there...Its tragic when you dont have any roots and no matter where you go you're nothing but a low life immigrant.
After i graduate and find a job, ill probably finish building a house my parents started and move there. I do need lots of money for that though, so im preparing to get raped by bank loans.

That must be really strange? Was it still all Yugoslavia when you were born??
That must be really strange? Was it still all Yugoslavia when you were born??
When i think about that, i lived in a country with 3 names :lol:

Mentality of the people is not the same. But then again, in Serbia you get hate for being any sort of an immigrant, no matter if you're from Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro (which is 99%of the immigrants) cause they see you as someone who steals their jobs and whatnot. Sometimes its fun to make fun of your heritage and stereotypes that come with it, but when somebody truly insults you its not fun.
The worst thing that happened to me as an immigrant, was when i was 7, cashier didnt want to sell me bread and milk because she didnt like my bosnian accent, or when a guy on uni acused me for nepotism cause i got to participate in a microbiology project and he didnt.
When i think about that, i lived in a country with 3 names :lol:

Mentality of the people is not the same. But then again, in Serbia you get hate for being any sort of an immigrant, no matter if you're from Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro (which is 99%of the immigrants) cause they see you as someone who steals their jobs and whatnot. Sometimes its fun to make fun of your heritage and stereotypes that come with it, but when somebody truly insults you its not fun.
The worst thing that happened to me as an immigrant, was when i was 7, cashier didnt want to sell me bread and milk because she didnt like my bosnian accent, or when a guy on uni acused me for nepotism cause i got to participate in a microbiology project and he didnt.

Yeah that region is so fucked up by all the conflict! :lol:

Racism in all it's retarded glory....who the fuck in their right mind would treat a child like that!? The "they are stealing our jobs" argument never gets old it would seem....
it's fun to repeat the same day five days per week until you're so tired that you can't do anything useful when you're actually free

it's fun to lose your job that already had a crappy salary

it's fun to only care about your musical projects, and it's even more fun when people clog the recording process by being slow and/or retarded
It seriously sucks to lose a job. Although it frees you up from the other problem and for those musical projects for a little bit. Perhaps you can throw the slow/retarded people off a bridge while wearing a Viking Helmet and drinking from a horn so you can get the recording process back on track. Satan.
I hate my neighbours...They have seriously had a party every day for a week now and they play like the three same fucking trance songs and one hip-hop song they all scream along to again and again and again...bunch of fucking retards...I tried to talk to them last week the first time they woke up my kids and I was very polite and they were too and they stopped....for like an hour...then they went at it again and I once more went upstairs to tell them to they won't open the fucking door so in true Swedish fashion I start writing an angry note but then another neighbour apparently called the police so the police shows up and then they finally stop at like 03:00 at a tuesday since then they have been at it every night and they refuse to open the fucking door for me but FINALLY this morning I met the bastard in the elevator when I came in from walking the dog! Now he has promised me that they will not make a fucking sound tonight...lets see if he can keep that promise or if my brass knuckles will finally come in handy next time I catch the little fucker!

There angry rant finished...I probably just come off as an old and grumpy man...
Nah man, not old and grumpy. Having no respect for neighbors when they complain several times, and also keep going even after the police shows up, that's asshole behavior. I don't know the laws but I wouldn't be surprised if they could get a ticket for continuously being that noisy when they already had a warning
When i was living alone i had a place above some student chicks, they rarely made parties but jesus fuckin christ, one of them had the most annoying laugh in the entire universe, more like a shriek combined with completely retarded sound. The walls were thick but it didnt help. I went insane.