The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

That looks delicious Maja :yow:.

I don't believe in suing anyone unless they have caused an injury severe enough that I can never work again and it is necessary to have some quality of life. To sue for no reason just for retribution and easy money is the American way, not mine :lol:. Although it would be nice to see some justice done for once. Luckily everyone including my friend could testify that I never had ill intent and was not trying to bully anyone. It doesn't even make sense to make my day hell when there was never even a complaint by the "victim" in question.

On the other hand the girls at work that are being sexually harassed and scared would have a much better case, but that's a big undertaking and I work for a shady and rich business that would throw everything at them. Such is life I guess, but tonight is not a night for anger and shittiness!

Tonight is for celebrating, getting drunk as fakk and having fun!
Is it unusual to absolutely despise your own Human Resources department? HR is supposed to be a buffer between the corporation and the employees, something people can use to report and fix major workplace issues. Our HR department is all about fucking everyone over in order to serve themselves and the business. In every complaint I can think of if it is a complicated issue and does not somehow serve the business it gets ignored. Meanwhile they use small little things to make it look like they are actually doing their job.

I almost lost my job today because our HR department decided to say I was harassing someone (who is my friend) by putting a funny sticker on her after HR happened to walk by and see it. Keep in mind this is not exactly an upscale professional environment, it's a very casual type of atmosphere where people joke and act retarded pretty regularly. I printed a quick sticker with a picture of a dancing cartoon chicken and put it on her because I knew it would make her smile. You see maybe I'm weird but I like to make my friends laugh, especially when they are having a bad day so I come up with weird little things to keep things fun and amusing.

Our HR department decided without asking anyone about it that this was harassment and my friend was a victim, and that I needed to go under review. Meanwhile there is a guy that has blatantly sexually harassed 4 women (even cornering one in a room and trapping her) that has not received so much as a warning after multiple complaints. They came close to blaming the women (and yes is a female running HR). One of my female friends actually had to quit in tears because she knew our HR department would not help her against him and meanwhile I do something to make someone laugh and I almost lost my only source of income.

It's pretty pathetic when your own representatives at work dodge the serious cases and try to make up for it by throwing one of the nicest most respectful guys into the fire. I'm like the anti-bully, I would never harass somebody with malice and I get no joy from repeatedly hurting someone unless they very clearly crossed a line. I do nothing but try to help my fellow co-workers and although I butt heads with management on a regular basis (usually trying to stand up for others) I have a very good reputation among my co-workers.

This is fucked, I now have harassment of ALL THINGS on my work record while some creepy ass fuckhead can freely corner women and get away with it.

TL;DR - Facebook was too dangerous of a format for me to rant on.

Fuck everything. :mad:

wow, that's completely fucked up. did you mention the sexual harassment to them when they were talking about your case?
I would rant now like a boss, but since my brain melted today...

tl:dr version:
Play archeage
Hear yesterday that today we would be doing new dungeon as first ones on the server
Grind for 8 hours like a madman to get neccessary gear just in time for raid
Hear that organisers just decided to go with other guild
Have stroke, cancer and heart attack at the same time

At least they failed

курва :(

first serious relationship i have in a long time. so much fucking work. now i remember why i don't like serious dating