The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

My back hurts, my head hurts and i got allergy attack again :( Im allergic to some food but idk what exactly, should do tests, too lazy :)

Wake me up when esport isnt a fucking joke. Meaning 1/3 matches wont be ddos'd and third world country teams wont fix their matches.
I also had a problem with Identity theft last year. It was a year long headache with lots of calls from random collections and scammers. In the end I was able to avoid any major financial confusion or loss by being a complete asshole to anyone I could get a hold of.
It definitely doesn't help if you're already having a shit year
I just love it when school work piles up and my professor is not answering my email for 10 days < 333 Im pretty sure she doesnt know how to use a computer :)