The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I agree with you Jonas. But I would be lying if I didnt say I feel somewhat threatened by the Islamic invation. Religion is a plague.

No need to fear them they have no power here and fear is the most potent weapon of terrorists. People have always feared mass immigration I guess but only during the last century we had refugees and mass-ish immigration from Finland, Chile, Iran, The Baltics and former Yugoslavia.
Education is the only weapon proven effective against religious faith and give it two or three generations and the children of the Syrian refugees will be about as religious as the children of the iranians or chileans that came here during the 70s are today.

Wow, you guys are really blind :lol: Fleeing from war :lol:

Breaking News, the war is coming to you.

You're saying there is no war going on???
You're saying there is no war going on???

We've seen enough war to see how refugees actually look and behave, from WW2 up to this date. Some of them are fleeing from war. Most of them are coming to get your money and in long term, your culture.

If I was running from war I wouldnt be attacking the borders of foreing country. If I was running from war I would go to the nearest country that is war-free and is similair culturally. I wouldnt run from Syria through the entire fucking Europe to get to Sweden or Finland or Germany.
They throw away their documents, they cannot be identified.

You can help people. You can feel sorry for them. But please, stop being completely blind.

I lol'd.
^Oh yes, I'm sure you would go to the shitty neighboring country where you can live in a camp of a million other refugees and have a shitty life for years instead of going to places that have much higher standard of living... Suuuuuure...
No need to fear them they have no power here and fear is the most potent weapon of terrorists. People have always feared mass immigration I guess but only during the last century we had refugees and mass-ish immigration from Finland, Chile, Iran, The Baltics and former Yugoslavia.
Education is the only weapon proven effective against religious faith and give it two or three generations and the children of the Syrian refugees will be about as religious as the children of the iranians or chileans that came here during the 70s are today.

Yes at a moderate rate it works. But the way things are going right now it doesnt look so good. Integration is allready a problem and the segregation and White Flight syndrome is not a good thing for the Swedish countryside. I would not want to live in an area where everybody is muslims, fuck that, its not Sweden.
Its annoying to see Swedish celebreties preaching that we can help all of fucking Syria if we just open our hearts blablabla while they sit in their Castles and idyllic neighbourhood in Djursholm.

I live/lived in a "good" calm popular part of Uppsala, my friend lived in the suburb... a few years back when cars was burning every night all around Uppsala, he witnessed burning cars and people being kicked nearly to death outside his window. I didnt see any of it, I basicly read some articles about it and said "oh thats horrible" and went on with my life. He is not so positive about what is going on right now, it would be easy for me to say hes wrong.
> Impyling Turkey and Saudi Arabia are shitty

Polish refugees (and keep in mind those were women and children, not fucking 20 yo strong youths) were running to the nearest country that wouldnt give them away to germany or russia. And if they somehow managed to go to those "higher standard" countries Poland was paying for it with gold.
In the meantime, European union will p[ay 6000 euros for immigrant. Cool, that will help. 6 k euro to provide a living place and food for the entire family. Amazing deal.

Cant wait for the cultural war, i know it's coming, I know a lot of people are fed up with this shit and a lot of those "weak" immigrants or people that came to your countries before are readying for the war too.
I'm starting to believe the british prophet who said poland will become empire by the 2050. Damn, its fucking possible at this point. Everything on the west is about to get destroyed and nordic countries are following them. Thanks for creating the opportunity.

On behalf of poland, czech republic, slovakia, hungary - Thank you for taking those parasites and saving our homeland.

We had a lot of immigrants from Vietnam and Chechnya. Vietnamese people were excellent, 99 % of them seem to work and we respect each other. Chechnya on the other hand, they were bunch of thugs and terrorists that too were trying to create gettos and create their districts. They were thrown into the prisons and when they saw they wont have easy time in poland they left. They were a problem and only 15 thousand of them came to us.
Now they will force onto us 10k of syrians during the political corectness age. Yes, it's still not much. But those 10k will turn into 40 when they bring their families, cos this is their goal. We will be unable to crash their gettos this tijme because - political corectness and much greater numbers of them. I doubt your countries can deal with hundreds of thousands of them.
Fuck it, more rant.

Those people are moving through the europe without any documents and IDs. What the fuck is this bullshit and double standards.
My friend, sweet, little, "ILoveEverythingAndEveryone" girl got her documents stolen in the UK and she couldnt leave the country because of it. It took a long time, a lot of visits at the police and polish ambassy to bring her back home.
Of course it would be much faster if she wasnt white and would shatter some windows, burn some cars or attacked the police forces, right? Because this is how its fucking done nowadays.
I agree that integration has failed in alot of areas in Sweden but judging immigrants and being afraid of them because some of them are criminals is not going to help things it will only segregate them even more and things will get worse.
And sure I think countries like saudi arabia and turkey etc could do a hell of alot more to help, it is not fair that a few contries should be able to ignore the universal declaration of human rights without consequences.

And Aexalven criminals are always treated like criminals no matter were they are from, I have never understood why the racists think that criminal immigrants are not treated as criminals?? Has any immigrant ever not been convicted according to the law for burning cars or using violence against the police etc??
But Saudi Arabia is helping, they will build 200 mosques in Germany. :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: You are limited to using 15 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

What a fucking plague.
Its not about judging immigrants its obviously not their fault. But we have to realize we cant help everyone no matter how much we want to.

No and neither should we have to help everyone but we should be able to help quite a few without any problems but miljöpartiet probably spent the money on something important again :erk:
And Aexalven criminals are always treated like criminals no matter were they are from, I have never understood why the racists think that criminal immigrants are not treated as criminals?? Has any immigrant ever not been convicted according to the law for burning cars or using violence against the police etc??

I read court verdicts "for a living" and there are tons of cases when people are treated not equally. Woman have it better, outsiders are not being judged for racism at all. I was laughing at one particular case when one black girl was playing with the entire neighbourhood. She was calling everyone white trash etc and when she was finnaly called "my pals" "black waste" those people were sentenced, the girl wasnt. TL:DR version of courts verdict why she wasnt sentenced:
"She wasnt racist, she was minority"
What the fuck.

Also, i had my car damaged 2 times in my neighbourhood. First time by a man, who had shitty day and kicked the doors of my car. He got 3 years of probation + he had to pay around 2.3 k euro.

1 year later drunk female cunt kicked the doors, jumped on the roof and ruined the car paint with her keys.
Sentence? 1 year probation, had to pay 500 euro.
Again, what the fuck. I know the law and she literally got the smallest punishment she could get, its not even slap in the wrist. In both cases judge was a woman.

And reading setnces on a lot of cases of vandalism, assault people outside of poland (except for 1 russian guy lmao) were treated better.

Its not about judging immigrants its obviously not their fault. But we have to realize we cant help everyone no matter how much we want to.

Its more funny, EU, USA and proimmigrants are even saying we are OBLIGATED to help them because the Europe has to pay the debt. What debt. Was it EU who destabilised this region or USA?
Sure, they used our troops. I dont know how many soldiers nordic countries sent to the war, but Poland didnt send much, it was Germany who sent the most. Let them take the immigrants if they feel obligated.
Well, there is nothing to agree about, sadly I only presented the facts. If its like that in pretty Xenophobic country like poorland then i cant imagine its completely different in liberal countries.

If your criminal law has laws about religion, race, sexuality you can be more than sure that if you are atheist heterosexual white male you have it worse. But if it hasnt not then I might believe your law system is better.