The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I ate crazy hot Thai food yesterday and my asshole is on fire today. Thought I'd post it here since that is quite literally butthurt.


Doesnt work. Worthless cape. Looks like cheap plastic. Good job Star Wars!

I see this whole website is created solely with autism and cancer.
but overrated because people are shocked that a woman is portrayed as a non-sexualized warrior character with her own ambitions


Thats my issue, im all for equality and shit, but for real equality. I dont see people fighting muscular, naked chests of men saving the world.

Want to earn easy money? Write a story, make a movie, create a game about ugly, fat, strong, independent woman and just count profit. It may suck, but you will get enough recognition to get some $
I rather enjoyed her on GoT. She is stoic so she doesn't get many great lines but I do like her overall. Not my favourite, and I still wanted to see The Hound kick her ass (He could of at least put up a real fight for fuck sakes), but she fits the role well.

As for the female Stormtrooper armor. Thank fuck they didn't turn it into a damn form-fitting stormchick with leather and a giant breastplate with blaster holes so you can see some skin.

It seems like everyone working on this Star Wars have given so much respect to the universe and material, I am insanely excited for Episode 7. Way more excited than I was for any of the prequels, even before I realized that yes, they were all going to be that bad.
people need to realize that the target demographic has changed, it's now a Disney focus audience. So probably no more stuff like hand chopping, or child murders. Just hope it's a enjoyable movie.
no more stuff like hand chopping, or child murders. .


INB4 in this episode main characters will fight Scrooge McDuck
people need to realize that the target demographic has changed, it's now a Disney focus audience. So probably no more stuff like hand chopping, or child murders. Just hope it's a enjoyable movie.

This is why I'm keeping my expectations low. Disney is not going to try anything new. They are making a safe movie much like the movies that they are doing with the MCU
I rather enjoyed her on GoT. She is stoic so she doesn't get many great lines but I do like her overall. Not my favourite, and I still wanted to see The Hound kick her ass (He could of at least put up a real fight for fuck sakes), but she fits the role well.

As for the female Stormtrooper armor. Thank fuck they didn't turn it into a damn form-fitting stormchick with leather and a giant breastplate with blaster holes so you can see some skin.

It seems like everyone working on this Star Wars have given so much respect to the universe and material, I am insanely excited for Episode 7. Way more excited than I was for any of the prequels, even before I realized that yes, they were all going to be that bad.

could haaaaaaveee!!11 god, i hate it when people write "could of", where does that even come from? it doesn't even make any sense :lol:

+1 regarding the armour

i'm really looking forward to the movie as well, and i don't care that it's disney behind it, i think they've done some really good stuff lately and everything's better than lucas tbh
could haaaaaaveee!!11 god, i hate it when people write "could of", where does that even come from? it doesn't even make any sense :lol:

+1 regarding the armour

i'm really looking forward to the movie as well, and i don't care that it's disney behind it, i think they've done some really good stuff lately and everything's better than lucas tbh

My forum grammar is already bad enough even after edits and it is getting worse :lol:. I tend to post on my phone which I don't like typing on, so I take shortcuts (like excluding words newspaper style) and then I don't look at anything before I send. I might edit the really bad stuff later. I can't be bothered getting down into some if the details though :lol:.
people need to realize that the target demographic has changed, it's now a Disney focus audience. So probably no more stuff like hand chopping, or child murders. Just hope it's a enjoyable movie.

Maybe no child murders but handchopping is pretty tame, especially since lightsaber = little blood. Disney has done plenty of quality movies over the years. They still do a lot of kid friendly stuff but they can handle darker material too. Besides, Star Wars has never been particularly dark or adult oriented. Ep 3 was the first time things went that direction and it only had a few moments like that. The most adult oriented stuff in the original Trilogy was probably Empire Strikes Back, and I would say that many of their kid friendly animated movies are on par with that. Mufasa anyone?

Even the animated Clone Wars show has dismemberment, unexpected murders and people getting force lightning to death. Not that it is a great show or anything.

I am fine with Disney at the helm.