The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Just reply to their message in Swedish. Pretend you don't speak English :)

I really wanted to send this message to Wolfcross 2 on Facebook. It would just bring more attention or escalation though so fuck that. Still, it would have amused me.

To Wolfcross

Dear Sir or Madame,

I play in a band called Southern Sunforest, and through your online activity it has come to our attention that you have been sharing a song called Deathlike Howl on Facebook and a live video on youtube. We at Southern Sunforest wrote and recorded a song in 2003 called Deathlike Howl, and therefore claim the name. We were very very drunk at the time, but we're pretty sure that's what we called it and we probably registered it. I'm at least 70% sure. Unfortunately we must tell you to refrain from playing your Deathlike Howl or promoting material associated therein. This is only because one day our Deathlike Howl will be famous and on the radio and it is in our best interest to make sure they do not confuse our brands.

Thank you.

Phloot, Knee Slapper @ Southern Sunforest

{Insert youtube song here}

There was going to be a youtube link to a embarrassingly bad "song" my friend and I recorded somewhere around 13 years ago while drunk as fuck, which would be re-titled "Deathlike Howl". It is basically just GURZ, except with a non-guitar player playing acoustic guitar and me slapping my knees for drums while we scream annoyingly. On its own it's not that funny, it's literally jsut two drunk teenagers flailing and screaming, but in this letter it would have been pretty awesome... I also considered just sending a GURZ song.

But in the end it would make the situation considerably more annoying.
Cant fucking sleep at all this week. Dont know if thats about the heat or something. Usually turning on the tv or doing some "storytelling" helped, but brain decided to be a douchebag and is like "lol, you want to focus on imagining things? Fuck you, ill make sure that the only thing you think about is sleep"

Time to buy some herbs :3
I was told that when I start doing some physical activity ill get exhausted. Well, fuck me then, I slept for 3 hours, runned for 1 hour, lifted for 45 minutes, learned some coding and im still not tired.

I think i have a dream cancer
For 2 weeks temperatures in poland wont drop below 33 celcius degrees and it wont rain.

I fucking hate this country, its weather even started to suck.