The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I just recieved this message on facebook...

"Hello Wolfcross. Due to recent online activity i've been notified that the usage of the name 'Wolfcross' has been used on bandcamp, soundcloud, and Facebook. I also play in a band called 'Wolfcross'. We have had use of the name since 2012, We are in the process of our Legal registration of the Name. We own the usage to the website "" as well. Unfortunately I'm going to have to tell you to refrain from using the name Wolfcross in any future work/goods/services. Thank you."

I really, really, really do not need to deal with this fucking shit right now!
Fuck that shit. They can't do shit unless they habe a lawyer that can create a solid cease and desist case. If they are still in the process fuck em' for now. It is not like they are some huge money making band with a discography released.
Yea, Ill do the same for my solo project, dont know the prices in poland though, but it shouldn't be too expensive.
Definitely fuck with them, their music probably sucks anyways.
I was thinking of getting the bandname trademarked myself in Sweden just to fuck with them, turns out it isn't all that expensive.

yes that would only be a problem if you plan to release something in US. I assume they are from there. If you only release on Europe, then they can't do shit
Challenge them to a growling contest. Winner keeps the name, loser changes their name to Cat Scrotum.

The ancient warrior code of the vikings said that a true warrior should attack one enemy, defeat two enemies, hold his ground against three enemies, give ground before four enemies and without shame die in battle with five enemies...I do not know how many members their band has but I should just fight them all at once! :kickass:
Challenge them to a growling contest. Winner keeps the name, loser changes their name to Cat Scrotum.

The ancient warrior code of the vikings said that a true warrior should attack one enemy, defeat two enemies, hold his ground against three enemies, give ground before four enemies and without shame die in battle with five enemies...I do not know how many members their band has but I should just fight them all at once! :kickass:



They only have three members... An acceptable challenge.

I checked them out, they have an average sounding two song demo and played a few shows. Nothing worth taking a legal stand for. It would make more sense if some random band decided to use the name Metallica and start advertising their music/shows all over. But two newer or unknown bands??

In the spirit of the challenge, the first band to become highly successful should have the right to squash out their competitor. This band is small time though, their music is very average and they may disband in the coming years with little to show for it like 99% of metal bands do. Imagine if every duplicate band name on reverbnation started trying to claim a name to themselves, almost the entire site would have to be deleted.
Fuck that shit. They can't do shit unless they habe a lawyer that can create a solid cease and desist case. If they are still in the process fuck em' for now. It is not like they are some huge money making band with a discography released.

Yeah they really can't do a single thing without a lawyer. Those cease and desist letters aren't a joke - but their facebook message certainly is. It really doesn't do anything.

The ancient warrior code of the vikings said that a true warrior should attack one enemy, defeat two enemies, hold his ground against three enemies, give ground before four enemies and without shame die in battle with five enemies...I do not know how many members their band has but I should just fight them all at once! :kickass:

Turning the depression thread into a lolz thread one post a time :lol:!

Just reply to their message in Swedish. Pretend you don't speak English :)


They only have three members... An acceptable challenge.

I checked them out, they have an average sounding two song demo and played a few shows. Nothing worth taking a legal stand for. It would make more sense if some random band decided to use the name Metallica and start advertising their music/shows all over. But two newer or unknown bands??

In the spirit of the challenge, the first band to become highly successful should have the right to squash out their competitor. This band is small time though, their music is very average and they may disband in the coming years with little to show for it like 99% of metal bands do. Imagine if every duplicate band name on reverbnation started trying to claim a name to themselves, almost the entire site would have to be deleted.

Haha fucking posers...death to false metal!
Yeah they really can't do a single thing without a lawyer. Those cease and desist letters aren't a joke - but their facebook message certainly is. It really doesn't do anything.

Turning the depression thread into a lolz thread one post a time :lol:!

Just reply to their message in Swedish. Pretend you don't speak English :)

If they actually send me a cease and desist letter I will just change the name to "The True Wolfcross" or something silly like that :D