The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Well, there is nothing to agree about, sadly I only presented the facts. If its like that in pretty Xenophobic country like poorland then i cant imagine its completely different in liberal countries.

If your criminal law has laws about religion, race, sexuality you can be more than sure that if you are atheist heterosexual white male you have it worse. But if it hasnt not then I might believe your law system is better.

Our law clearly states that everyone is equal before the law and I do not know of any cases were that has not been true based on gender, religion or ethnicity but I do know that our justice system is quite corrupt when dealing with rich and/-or famous people.
For instance if a normal guy gets busted with say cocaine of a certain amount it's jail no questions about it but if a celebrity gets busted for the exact same thing they never go to jail but get sentenced to wear an electronic tag instead that monitors and severely restricts their movement for the amount of time they should have spent in jail.
Such corruption is everywhere, thats normal sadly.

Well, our law states the same thing, but then when you read laws like "Who insults person based on his ethnicity" "Who attacks person because of their homosexuality", then they already have more rights than I do so equality my ass.
I mostly agree with Jonas and Johan's points.

If only religion could be removed from the equation I would have very few issues with immigrants... But as soon as they bring the negative and disgusting aspects across a border and expect other countries laws to bow to their backwards "values" and spiritual laws I start getting really pissed off. European countries did not work hard to gain peace through a more secular society just to have some religious nutjobs disrupt shit like the middle-east.

My true prejudice is Religion, and frankly I think it's a good prejudice to have. No religion should be accepted or tolerated as harmless beliefs, because that kind of ignorance towards reality and facts is dangerous. This whole world would be a lot better off if it were gone...

So with that said, anybody else in favour of making contact with Aliens?? :lol:

I don't even care if they're hostile, that kind of event will completely uproot and fuck with people's archaic beliefs. Even crazy ass fanatics wouldn't know what to fight about once they have literally no way to back up their ideology. I'm sure some of the really crazy ones that obviously already have a mental illness will still do mental jumping jacks and find some excuse to keep being horrible people. Still, if something world bending like a new alien species comes along they are forced to confront an entirely new reality and even if they don't like it everything we know still comes into question. Moderates on the fence are suddenly back to the real world...

....And if that doesn't work they can send the Xenomorphs to fix us. :)
I mostly agree with Jonas and Johan's points.

If only religion could be removed from the equation I would have very few issues with immigrants... But as soon as they bring the negative and disgusting aspects across a border and expect other countries laws to bow to their backwards "values" and spiritual laws I start getting really pissed off. European countries did not work hard to gain peace through a more secular society just to have some religious nutjobs disrupt shit like the middle-east.

My true prejudice is Religion, and frankly I think it's a good prejudice to have. No religion should be accepted or tolerated as harmless beliefs, because that kind of ignorance towards reality and facts is dangerous. This whole world would be a lot better off if it were gone...

So with that said, anybody else in favour of making contact with Aliens?? :lol:

I don't even care if they're hostile, that kind of event will completely uproot and fuck with people's archaic beliefs. Even crazy ass fanatics wouldn't know what to fight about once they have literally no way to back up their ideology. I'm sure some of the really crazy ones that obviously already have a mental illness will still do mental jumping jacks and find some excuse to keep being horrible people. Still, if something world bending like a new alien species comes along they are forced to confront an entirely new reality and even if they don't like it everything we know still comes into question. Moderates on the fence are suddenly back to the real world...

....And if that doesn't work they can send the Xenomorphs to fix us. :)

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<3 mastah race
Guys, what if Pizza Aliens showed up and wanted to share new kinds of pizza with the world?? If flying saucers were flying pizza I would never get off, but the aliens may be upset that I ate their spacecraft.

Everyone could unite under a new world order of deliciousness. Who wouldn't renounce their religion for that???
how do you feel about them getting free food, housing, money, healthcare and other benefits off your taxes taken off your paychecks that you worked your asses off for?

how do you feel about them breeding like rabbits and one day outnumber you?

i'm really curious
how do you feel about them getting free food, housing, money, healthcare and other benefits off your taxes taken off your paychecks that you worked your asses off for?

how do you feel about them breeding like rabbits and one day outnumber you?

i'm really curious

How? Nuclear


No, really, im working hard co I could afford luxury items that have western, not polish prices on them and a lot of my profits are swallowed by taxes and lazy fucks who dont want to work. Not only immigrants, but normal citizens too. Leave my fucking money alone.
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how do you feel about them getting free food, housing, money, healthcare and other benefits off your taxes taken off your paychecks that you worked your asses off for?

how do you feel about them breeding like rabbits and one day outnumber you?

i'm really curious

It doesn't affect my paycheck or my economy in the slightest and I still need to pay taxes and if the government spends some of my tax money on refugees than I am totally fine with that because my tax money could have gone to far, far worse and useless things!
For example we have a royal family in Sweden that is to no use what so ever and I bet we spend more tax money on them in a year than on all these Syrian refugees combined.
And really the refugees do not get any form of luxury treatment like you seem to believe they are placed in refugee shelters which are often below the normal living standards in Sweden.

And thinking they might some day outnumber "us" is just silly and typical racist fear propaganda. First of all they are no were near to outnumber "us" in any way and second if they choose to live here then in two or three generations time they will also consider themselves to be Swedes and very much be counted as being "us".
wow no offense you seem like a nice dude but now i see the problem. if that's how the average swedish guy thinks, your country really is fucked.

what happened to the mighty vikings? or the badasses who created death metal?

i'll just leave this here. please watch before replying

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The thing that piss me off is that people says, hey No problem! they are not stealing your jobs since most of refugees that reach inner countries from europe got University titles and stuff! they will have their place as useful citizens.

Then Spanish people with University studies like some friends of mine that are cleaning bathrooms in north europe laughs.