The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

4 days ago, slept 12 hours, was awake for 28, then slept 14 hours, then slept 4 hours, got up at 7 in the morning. And just now at 21 in the evening I just woke up from sleeping another 4 hours... Sleeping well is not a thing I can do :erk:
I want to rant how my boss calls me at 23:00 and say he is expecting me at the office at 6:30. Its nice that he thinks highly of me and he pays me more than enough but im not a fucking slave. I have so much work to do that i dont even use my breaks. I come home tired and hungry and still have work to do.
Welcome to the adult world Maja :(
I actually enjoy working after endless years of studying, but i just wish i dont have so many obligations and things to keep up with :(

the swedish should help him out