The Greatest Black Metal Bands of all time

For Black Metal


I don't consider Cradle of Filth "pure" black metal. They're basically 80s stadium metal with black metal influence.

And also, wtf with Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse? Is this black metal, like the thread said, or metal in general?:err: :p

EDIT: See post #8
Okay, metal in general. I agree with what you said about Cradle, but to some people, it is metal. I'm just trying to see where people stand. Some people have never heard of Bathory and Barzum. I have, but alot of people haven't. And you should've included Mayhem in your list. I like your list, i do, but it would be an unbalanced poll simply because alot of newcomers haven't heard of those bands.
Simple as all hell

Dissection (I know, some call them black/death, I shall call them black metal)
Dark Funeral
I was about to add some more bands in under the 5 I had, but the goddamn power went out, and thus I lost my internet connection.

Anyway, here it is again:

1. Emperor
2. Burzum
3. Darkthrone
4. Immortal
5. Bathory
6. Enslaved
7. Graveland
8. Mayhem (I place them here because they are very definitive of the genre, but obviously not the best)
9. Ildjarn
10. Summoning

Also, I didn't mean to say that Cradle of Filth isn't metal, I just meant that they aren't black metal. Which, depending on how you look at it, could be a good thing. :)

I personally like Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, althought bands like Emperor move me on a much deeper level. People say bands like Cradle of Filth are superficial, but I say so what? As Nietzsche said about the Greeks, I am "superficial out of profudity."

So I have taken the liberty to make a best of list for metal in general:

Morbid Angel
Cradle of Filth/Dimmu Borgir (tie for me)
Thanatos said:
hahaha, what a joke!

Well, Cradle of Filth is pretty old. They've been around since '92. Granted, their not necessarily black metal, but they helped to fold the fabric of today's modern metal groups. So i give them respect where respect is do. But you really gotta admit, they were very innovative at the time. They tell stories in their albums, its a peice of history, whether it be fiction or non. So, before you call Cradle a joke, know what they have done for the metal community, like them or not.
Today i have to revive to my list. This one will include my favorite bands rock and metal. Hopefully you have heard of Ulver.

Nine Inch Nails
Cannibal Corpse
Rage Against the Machine
Hecate Enthroned
Iced Earth
oh, okay. well, like I said, like them or not, they helped create melodic metal. like it or not. Very true they sold-out. I agree, now they suck. Like it or not, they were innovative. So get your head out of your ass and admit it. Cradle is themetal band i got into. After a while they got old, but they opened the door. Admit it, when you where a newby metal head, you at leats liked some of their stuff. :loco:
I didn't, actually. :/

How the bloody hell did Cradle of Filth help to create melodic metal?! They didn't do a single thing musically that hadn't been done before.
Emperor101, you should probably learn a thing or 901829081234890341 before you speak about metal again because you're really making no sense.