The Greatest Black Metal Bands of All Time

Draconian said:
Dam good album. Dam good

are you Mr. Arvidsson? if yes then Hail to you! and continue your great works.

looking foward the Nibdem full-lenght also.
Well from my experience, those dicks who do think that way are in a majority, and to be honest I got sick of hearing all their shit which is why I left that post. I can see where you're coming from though, I guess maybe I did jump to rash conclusions...

Anyway I'm adding Darkthrone to my list cause I never checked them out before and now I have 2 of their albums.. they are so damn good. I urge anyone who hasn't given them a listen before to do so!
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
I like Prometheus and IX Equilibrium about the same, but IX was slightly more black metal. And yes, even Emperor's worst is better than anything by say, Ancient.
five bucks say you haven't heard any of the OLD ancient's material (i.e. before the dude moved to USA and got all new members)

"det glemte riket" and "trolltaar" fucking kick prometheus and ix equilibrium's ass all over the god damn place... THRICE!
KevenZ said:
I noticed you have a Deathspell Omega avatar. Now there's a damn fine black metal band.

On the Emperor quasi-debate, I'd say that Prometheus was pretty good, but... the production of the screams made it less enjoyable, and the riffs were a bit simpler, though layered with more strings n things. IX Equilibrium is a fine album, but it just kind of starts do drag around "An Elegy of Icarus."

That's my thinking, at least.