The Greatest Black Metal Bands of All Time

Erik said:
ps. IN BEFORE FLAMEWAR now watch this thread grow into 50 pages of pointless bickering culminating with laeth mcfalconsbane calling everyone "hooknoses" and "jewbags"

maybe you shouldn't be listening to black metal you bettle browed piece of semitic crap
I love black metal and my best friend is a Jew. People who "hate" judaism just because certain black metal bands do are fucking posers who cannot form their own beliefs or opinions. I am a big fan of Varg Vikernes' music, for example, but that doesn't mean I hate Jews. Why don't people just fucking think for themselves for once?
four fucking pages and not one mention of Samael, who released the classic Ceremony of Opposites.

damn you people don't know shit
J. said:
four fucking pages and not one mention of Samael, who released the classic Ceremony of Opposites.

damn you people don't know shit

I never posted a list. But if I did Samael would sure as fuck be on it. Worship Him is just as classic as Ceremony anyways. Into The Pentagram is one of the all time greatest black metal songs period. So is Baphomet's Throne though.
J. said:
four fucking pages and not one mention of Samael, who released the classic Ceremony of Opposites.

damn you people don't know shit

I find worship him & blood ritual better.
J. said:
four fucking pages and not one mention of Samael, who released the classic Ceremony of Opposites.

damn you people don't know shit

That would be because ever since all the horrible sequels came out, no one remembers how great of a movie the first Friday the 13th was. Same concept. They release Passage, and BOOM - their credibility is shot.
However, since you have reminded me, yes, Ceremony... is a classic.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
That would be because ever since all the horrible sequels came out, no one remembers how great of a movie the first Friday the 13th was. Same concept. They release Passage, and BOOM - their credibility is shot.
However, since you have reminded me, yes, Ceremony... is a classic.
yeah that must be how it works seeing as how everyone mentions emperor even though their last album sucked rather fucking enormously
Erik said:
may i suggest this one

