The Grudge is scary and you know it!

tell me about it! lol
japanese movies are always so weird, i dont know what the fuck is wrong with these dudes lol, but its always fucking i dont know what..the atmosphere and shit
like in the ring, or deep water..
i think its all part of asian mentality... to make these weird movies that we can't really totally comprehend, being brought up in the western world :p
anyway i dont know what the grudge is, but i understand what u mean ^^
Celtik Militia said:
tell me about it! lol
japanese movies are always so weird, i dont know what the fuck is wrong with these dudes lol, but its always fucking i dont know what..the atmosphere and shit
like in the ring, or deep water..
i think its all part of asian mentality... to make these weird movies that we can't really totally comprehend, being brought up in the western world :p
anyway i dont know what the grudge is, but i understand what u mean ^^
ahah I think american horror pales in comparison to Japanese horror. I just watched "Versus" and damn this was a great movie. Still nothing beats Battle Royale 1 & 2 or Shogun Assassin serie. Somehow the Japanese culture has this "high respect" towards everything that their horror movie scene really reflects a creepy side to Japan trying to create a perfect society.
Not only their movies, but their manga as well. FLCL, La blue girl, Ghost in the shell, Gravitation etc. All these manga/anime have stuff we never have in ours. Sodomy, Boy on boy (youi), Cyborg sex and fusions!

Go see The Grudge, it was decent. It was placed in japan, only a few main characters were white americans.
the movie was ok - thought the ring was better though

but god damn someone needs to shoot that blonde wench in the face - the acting imo was horrible and it killed the atmosphere for me
omg people actualy like the ring??? pffffffft that had to be the worst fucking movie i ever seen in my life omg waste of time piece of shit! that was a copy of like half the sci-fi horror movies i ever seen in my life. fucking i seen episodes of alien nation that were better then that fucking movie!
Seraphim Belial said:
but god damn someone needs to shoot that blonde wench in the face - the acting imo was horrible and it killed the atmosphere for me
my thoughts exactly
Maybe this will be mean, but my rant for the day is against this american industry and lazy americans who always need to make remakes of great movies in the name of people being too lazy to read subtitles. Why touch the Grudge to put a fukin bimbo vampire chaser as main actor and the rest of the cast is Japanese ? Same shit happened with the Ring.
I don't know if I even want to see this movie even if it is made by the same Jap producer.
I might do a Ju-On Curse & Grudge marathon at home with the 4 movies.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I saw the jap version of the ring, and although the idea was cool,m the movie sucked arse. I saw half of the yank version and it seemed better
man you must have some big mexican donkey poo poo in yr eyes. But yeah the us ver. of the ring was much better than freaking vampire slayer bimbo they put in grudge. only for that i say vote no on amendment 4 against hollywood peace loving tree hugging actors. As in Team America, the F.A.G.