The Gustafsson trial

CadalMord: I appologize :( if that sounded harsh and if I have offended you but I only reacted out of reading an arcticle that explains the situation and details and how if found guilty they would seek a life sentence!That's why I reacted that way because here in Texas they tax us to keep criminals, murderers, rapists, etc alive! In my opinion that's really fucked up because that's money that I can use to feed and provide for my family! (I know that it is just an article:) )
Southern Belle in Hell said:
CadalMord: I appologize :( if that sounded harsh and if I have offended you but I only reacted out of reading an arcticle that explains the situation and details and how if found guilty they would seek a life sentence!That's why I reacted that way because here in Texas they tax us to keep criminals, murderers, rapists, etc alive! In my opinion that's really fucked up because that's money that I can use to feed and provide for my family! (I know that it is just an article:) )

Yeah yeah I understand your point. But still you shouldn't jump to hasty decisions and say he should be killed when he's not even sentenced yet. If he gets sentenced, I understand how some people would think it's better to just end his life on the spot to save taxpayers money for something else, but as I said before, a life sentence in Finland is usually about 12-15 in prison, so IMO it wouldn't be justified to kill him. Also because Finland doesn't use execution as a punishment.

And you know you can always not pay your taxes :p
Okay roger that! But not pay my taxes? But then I would be sitting right next to the criminals and so on for not paying my tax dollars! I'd rather be a good girl and pay them besides it's bad for my credit report! :D