The Happy Birthday Mikael Stanne you-truly-evil-guy-thread

yay, this time i know the meaning of all. :hotjump: almost. :p
let's see...
Nolequen said:
Hi! Меня очень радует, что многие из вас изучают русский (если я правильно понял...) Спасибо, ребята, руссикий - великий и могучий язык!
hi! i'm very pleased that so many people here study russian (if i understood correctly). thanks, children (?), russian is a great and powerful language!
Nolequen said:
Onyx, если они не поймут, то переведи, пожалуйстя.... 145! :)
Onyx, if they don't understand, translate, please...

i'm sorry with all non russian students/speakers but this is quite exciting for me. :Spin:

Miolo (and his vocabulary)
Miolo said:
i'm sorry with all non russian students/speakers but this is quite exciting for me. :Spin:
for me as well :grin: thanks for the translation - I must admit I didn't quite get all of it... but I'm working on it...
RUSSIAN! i have studied it for one year and barely remember how to say "hello, my name is Claudia". but with your help i might do a bit of catching-up.