The haunting melodies of Anathema


Nov 19, 2001
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I dont know if this question has been asked of the guys from Anathema before, but how does Anathema come up with those haunting and transcendant melodies?
sounds like some cheesy record k-Tel would have but out in the seventies "the haunting sounds of anathema can be yours for only 7:99 phone now! and remember "the haunting sounds of anathema" is not available in any shop"
Excessive consumption of alcohol and other (mostly illegal) substances... well ok, they have some talent too but only a little.
Originally posted by speed
I dont know if this question has been asked of the guys from Anathema before, but how does Anathema come up with those haunting and transcendant melodies?

That's antimatter!
ok anathema also have them, but not that haunting (p.e. holocaust, Flowers, Saviour... whole the album in fact ;) )
For "Haunting Anathema" it's Eternity and Alt 4 for sure.

But did we also said before that these haunting (emotional) stuff sells difficult to the large people (oly Radiohead succeeded so far ;) )
off-topic, but that reminds me of the summer ´98 (i guess?), we're at ilosaari's (finnish rockfestival) camping area, in the middle of the night, stolen an old cassette player somewhere and found some burzum's tape.. think there was noone awake but me and me mate, pissed as monkeys and playing burzum LOUD, soon a few more people was awake, though.. we're looking for our tent and couldn't found it, and then me mate had to go to toilet, you know these movable stinky booths at festivals, so i was waiting him outside (with burzum yet playing, yes!
) and i waited in vain, he never came out.. atleast that night..? :D never heard noone else could've gone down in the 'bajamaja'..?!! :puke:
Originally posted by Don Corleone
err, yes i like him (burzum is a one-man band). whats wrong?

The one man is a racist and an obvious one!!!! The stuff he wrote on the official (!!) site about the band split!! I mean even his mother is/was (however) in the jail because she possessed some racistic propaganda stuff :mad:
weird I'm listening to burzum for the first time in years right now...cos its halloween and the last tracks on filosofem are spooky, but vargy is a racist prick.

if ya like haunting (ie spooky) stuff check out clock factory by sabres of paradise

People, I'm so sorry to go off-topic again :D but that story just reminded me of this year's Roskilde festivals.

I was standing in line for the bathroom in McDonalds quite near festival area and in front of me was two finnish guys (didn't know them though). I got to the bathroom after one of them (he was still inside) and 'cause there was only two lockable toilets I knew he was in the one that was locked. I took the other and did my business, when I (at first) couldn't find the button to flush the toilet (I know now, it was a HUGE button in the wall :rolleyes: ). Anyways, I yelled to the guy in the next stall 'how the f*ck do I flush this thing' and heard guy go 'whh-huh? Phew... Glad you yelled, I already fell asleep' :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Eos
The one man is a racist and an obvious one!!!! The stuff he wrote on the official (!!) site about the band split!! I mean even his mother is/was (however) in the jail because she possessed some racistic propaganda stuff :mad:
So what? This is music we're talking about. I've always said: "if you like it, listen to it". So a reason for not listening to him would be that he palyes crap, he is untalented, do not like his musical style, anything music-related... The fact that his mother went to prison has nothing to do with the music. Politics are for politicians... And I hate politicians...

Btw, I hate Burzum...
Take care...
But music has everything to do with feelings, and they really can change because of things like that. It is kinda schizophrenic, I know, but if you liked the music before you knew anything about the artist doesn't mean you'd enjoy it if you found 'em to be racists etc.
I know it ain't exactly the same, but if I liked some friend of mine and found out she/he would be spreading fascist-propaganda magazines, acting violently against different coloured etc, whenever I'm not around, I wouldn't like that dude much anymore.

Does this make any sense or am I babbling too much? :)
Originally posted by Mariner
That's antimatter!
ok anathema also have them, but not that haunting (p.e. holocaust, Flowers, Saviour... whole the album in fact ;) )
For "Haunting Anathema" it's Eternity and Alt 4 for sure.

But did we also said before that these haunting (emotional) stuff sells difficult to the large people (oly Radiohead succeeded so far ;) )
wait till you hear me new songs!!
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
But music has everything to do with feelings, and they really can change because of things like that. It is kinda schizophrenic, I know, but if you liked the music before you knew anything about the artist doesn't mean you'd enjoy it if you found 'em to be racists etc.
I know it ain't exactly the same, but if I liked some friend of mine and found out she/he would be spreading fascist-propaganda magazines, acting violently against different coloured etc, whenever I'm not around, I wouldn't like that dude much anymore.

Does this make any sense or am I babbling too much? :)
I've got nothing to add as I agree completely.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler

People, I'm so sorry to go off-topic again :D but that story just reminded me of this year's Roskilde festivals.

I was standing in line for the bathroom in McDonalds quite near festival area and in front of me was two finnish guys (didn't know them though). I got to the bathroom after one of them (he was still inside) and 'cause there was only two lockable toilets I knew he was in the one that was locked. I took the other and did my business, when I (at first) couldn't find the button to flush the toilet (I know now, it was a HUGE button in the wall :rolleyes: ). Anyways, I yelled to the guy in the next stall 'how the f*ck do I flush this thing' and heard guy go 'whh-huh? Phew... Glad you yelled, I already fell asleep' :lol: :lol:

reminds me of a third story, i can't remember where this happened, but i know the guy in a main role.. :lol: this hero was at some festival and again this is comin to a 'bajamaja'-thing.. so he was in the booth and someone pushed it down and it rolled down the hill..yes, he was in it all the time. you can imagine the results..?! :ill:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
But music has everything to do with feelings, and they really can change because of things like that. It is kinda schizophrenic, I know, but if you liked the music before you knew anything about the artist doesn't mean you'd enjoy it if you found 'em to be racists etc.
I know it ain't exactly the same, but if I liked some friend of mine and found out she/he would be spreading fascist-propaganda magazines, acting violently against different coloured etc, whenever I'm not around, I wouldn't like that dude much anymore.

Does this make any sense or am I babbling too much? :)

makes sense, really!