The Heaviest Bands You Can Think Of


This was what I was looking for.
Is Nile really one of the heaviest bands of all-time? 'Cause I've thus far just assumed the stuff I listen to isn't the heavist that exists, ya know? But I listen to Cryptopsy, Nile, Devourment... And I'm gonna buy Wormed's Planisphaerium album now.
I dunno...Rottrevore were damn heavy for their time (though arguably, Suffocation was heavier, perhaps?) but current bands have really pushed the envelope of what "heaviness" means.

But, yeah Iniquitous is a fucking USDM classic. Brutal vocals before they were cool.
Arkhon Infaustus
Abysmal Torment
Decrepit Birth
General Surgery
Hymen Holocaust
IMO blackened death metal bands like Zyklon or fast paced black metal bands like Marduk and later Dark funeral are far more heavier than Slam Death. They will definitely be more likely to scare the weak of heart!