The Heaviest Bands You Can Think Of

older Cathedral
Reverend Bizarre
Pitch Shifter (Industrial)
older Godflesh
Shape Of Despair
Solitude Aeturnus
My Dying Bride
Type O Negative
Amorphis(first two)

Various early 90's swedish/finland death metal acts.

Great band - I have all of their albums, fact fans. I even went to fucking Poland to buy them! (Well, not quite, but while I was there I filled my boots with metal ;) )

It all depends on what you mean by heavy. If you mean quick, brutal, well, there are a fucking dozen bands that push past my acceptable envelope. What are they called ? I couldn't tell you because once they're too heavy for my tastes I couldn't give two flying shits about them.

Now oppressive atmosphere, and that feeling that makes you want to make the "claw of anguish" hand gesture while you listen to it ?

Well, fuck, stuff like Crowbar, Runemagick et. al. is Heavy in that respect :)


Behold, the claw of anguish

Tortured Conscience (Every Knee Shall Bow)
Crimson Thorn (Unearthed)
Mortification (Scrolls Of The Megilloth, Post Momentary Affliction)
Crimson Moonlight (Veil Of Remembrance)
Vomitorial Corpulence (Karrionic Hacktician)
Encryptor (Encryption)