The Heaviest Fucking Metal Band

I define heavy as "brutal", these bands should overcome your senses with an onslaught of pure aggression. I don't think bands with burping style vocals are that heavy, sometimes melodic bands (At The Gates) can be even heavier than other styles of metal, Doom bands are only heavy in a one-dimensional way unless they are death/doom, I think fast bands can attain a more brutal sound by combining heavyness with speed,

the bands I would consider the most heavy are bands which have a primitive sounding attack with fast, precise distorted riffs, very evil vocals which are well articulated and evil sounding, and these bands are usually consistent in their songs, and do not "let up", bands like early Entombed, Krisiun, later At the Gates etc...
I agree with your definition of heavy more than most people's on here. Generally, the more aggressive and crushing a band are, the heavier they are to me. But there has to be some thickness and weight behind the agression. This is why bands like Angel Corpse and Cryptopsy, though very aggressive in sound, are not as heavy as bands such as Suffocation or Nile.
As pointed out earlier, speed and aggression are very important. For example, a band like Naglfar or Jen's Profundi is a great display of an onslaught of aggression.

As in boxing - you can have all the power you want but if you're slow then you won't fare very good against someone who has the better of both. Which is why I often find death metal bands to be boring.
I was listening to some Morpheus Descends today and it can get pretty fucking heavy at times, in both the senses. It can be heavy in the brutal way (that I don't agree equates to heaviness, but most people here do) and it can be heavy in the slow, crushing way (which is my personal definition of heaviness).
I was listening to some Morpheus Descends today and it can get pretty fucking heavy at times, in both the senses. It can be heavy in the brutal way (that I don't agree equates to heaviness, but most people here do) and it can be heavy in the slow, crushing way (which is my personal definition of heaviness).
Yes, Morpheus Descends are pretty fucking heavy. NYDM in general is some of the heaviest stuff around.
Torchure has some very crushing heavy riffs, not to mention incredible riffs in general.
Some n00bish choices. Slayer - reign in blood. When I first heard it, it sounded heavier then death metal. Now that I've listened to it too much, it doesn't quite seem as heavy, but it is still awesome. Suffocation is really heavy. And Meshuggah. Everything nothing onwards has this beasty tone to it on the guitars. The vocals are really intense too. If it is turned up a lot then the drums start coming through and it seems really heavy.