Nevermore Ruined Metal for me

Switch singers for both bands, then you'll REALLY get flames going. Get Alexi to sing Cemetary Gates and Anselmo to sing Every time I Die! (Or Bodom Beach Terror)
hey, it's what i like. and i'm sure all of you like a band or two that i'm not likely to listen to either.

They're fucking brilliant, let's be honest. But, everything you've said has been pulled out of the hyperbole hat.

They're fucking brilliant, let's be honest. But, everything you've said has been pulled out of the hyperbole hat.

Thinking back the only thing I exaggerated on was the solos. Less shred solos, and more felt out solos would be nice. Other than that I stand strong on that statement.
i like the first 3, especially the first 2, and especially Hatebreeder. alexi is a total fucking dork and his yowyowyows and overuse of 'fuck' are kinda silly, but oh well.
That soar through you heard like a ragging, ripping waterfall with swirling mists and great gusts of elated emotion?!