The Heaviest Fucking Metal Band

if you think like this, then all music discussion is futile as it all based on opinion

Opinion is what makes good discussion but I just don't see the point in trying to name one specific band as the heaviest. Just whenever I see a thread like this I always see a lot of bands mentioned who aren't even that heavy to begin with. Yes, thats my opinion but its like when people say bands like Lamb of God are heavy when clearly, nearly any death metal band is heavier.
I think you're misunderstanding the intent of the original poster - the point of this thread is not come to a consensus about the heaviest band

it is merely to discuss your opinion of who YOU think is the heaviest band (that's how I interpreted it anyways) - it is entirely impossible to EVER come to a consensus about something like this
i think it's <insert band here>

isn't that interesting!

if only all threads were this exciting

somebody get me out of here before my cock hardens