The Importance of Genre

How Important is Categorizing Metal?

  • Crucial

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Very important

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Don't really give a fuck

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Unneccesary

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Blasphemy, it's against everything metal stands for

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters
Amen, Plague Witch. My sentiments exactly.

I went to see Gwar recently, and Cattle Decapitation opened up. They weren't bad, only I could immediately pin them as death/grind - and every song had the same kind of sound to it. Needless to say I was a little bored with them, though it was refreshing to hear some of that old-school Corpse kind of sound live again (it's been a few years!)
Genres blur and distort the image a band may or may not want. I would not nessecarily call it blasphmey, but personally, i have never labeled any of the music i have created, that is a job for the listener. Genre in my opinion is not imortant, because it is simply label and crituqe placed upon a band. Now days, there are so many sub-genres, that bands and labels are blurring the lines. Heavy metal, death metal, black metal, melodic death metal, gore metal, ect. These are all simply different forms of metal that were "created" by different bands who wanted to "diversify" there sound.
Originally posted by Somberlain
I think its important..I hate it when people call bands like Opeth black metal.Hypocrisy is melodic death metal, or death/thrash..

Opeth is melodic Melencolic Black/Death. It incoporates aspects of Melodic Death and Black metal, making it unfair to label it one or the other. However, this is somewhat contradictory to what i just posted. ahh well, drunk again.
Dissection on the other hand (om reference to the somberlain) is not a unified BM album in itself either (off topic, just mentioning this). Storm of the Lights Bane had more of a traditional BM feel to, similar to Satyricon's Nemesis Divina.
I dont give an effinheimer to try to label genres and see what person will tear them for not being status quo to fit the bill. Most great bands to me are the genre. EG/Hypocricy is Hypocrisy.
I dont mind reviews where a generalized caliber is associated, but arguments on who is what get annoying.
Dissection was so good it didn't matter what you called it. It's pure, testicle stomping, sulferic acid on your corneas metal. Just a bunch of guys with hair down to their asses bashing on drums and playing loud ass guitars.

Can't go wrong with that format. :rock:'s important but don't take it too far. If you would call Hypocrisy heavy metal or something it would be more amusing than insulting. But bands like Hypocrisy are hard to put in line...I don't think you can argue with me about saying that the band's death/black and gothic metal mixed if you look at the albums such as "Abducted", "Hypocrisy" and "The Final Chapter". Some people just make up new genre's to make it easier but that leads to millions of metal genre's which in the end will be more confusing.
Or they just stretch the genre's titles Hypocrisy = Dark gothic alien ufo abduction metal or something like that :lol: Genre's are important, important to group a band into one, but not into too many.
Originally posted by McKilem
It's crucial.
Crucial for what?

Was it "crucial" when the first tribes stretched a skin across a rotted-out log and struck it to call the resulting sound "tribal percussion?" Was it necessary to call the vocalizations of ancient monks "chant?"

Call it a fucking Oldsmobile for all I care. I'll still be moshing my ass off!