The Inner Circle - WOW!


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2003
Herzliya, Israel
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After being on vacation from the army for a week now (Still have a week left), I received a wonderful package from the United States today, a brown fluffy envelope.
Guess what was in it? A friend of mine, sent me THE promo copy of "The Inner Circle".
Excited and joyful, I put the CD in my stereo...
After listening to the CD for practically the whole day, I can sum it up in one word - W-O-W!!!
And in a few words:
This is probably Evergrey's greatest progression ever, and their best studio creation to date. Not only that it sounds great, there's an amazing atmosphere to this album, darker, heavier and more emotional than ever.
I heard many people, in different communities regarding metal, declaring that "Recreation Day" was the best album of 2003. Well, "The Inner Circle" is the best album, of the decade - until Evergrey releases another album. This album is the best of their creation, by now.
Truly, I can't find the proper words to praise this album, it's just unbelievably amazing.
I know that after reading this, some of you will say: "Jesus, I can't wait to get this album!", and some of you will probably say: "I'm gonna kill Tamir for enlarging the anticipation!!!".
Just had to share it with you guys, to let you know what you're about to face in 3 and a half weeks.

*puts the CD back in his stereo*
I'm up for another night of Evergrey...
Now I remember why I love home a lot more than the army, I can listen to music whenever I want :)
G'night folks!
I am waiting very impatiently right now thank you very much. I ordered the cd off Amazon in Germany and am very eager to hear it. I was so tempted the other day to download it but I held back because I want the wait so I will appreciate it more when I do receive it in the mail in a few weeks.
Time to listen to all the older cds again in anticipation. :rock:
I just recently finished my Evergrey collection with the two rereleased solitude and dark discovery and they are unbelieveable as i expected them to be. They just get better by each album, so I cant wait for the inner circle and hopefully i can see these guys in houston when they come :rock:
I have been listening to the album for a few days now, its amazing. I always buy albums (i own over 400 cds - i dont steal, hehe), but I like to hear new albums from my fav bands (like evergrey) before they are actually out. For those of you who havent heard it yet let me just say... if it was possible to hump mp3s....

lol, seriously tho its VERY good, their best album to date. As far as the concept goes, besides religion its also about abortion.