The Insane, John Titor [A Must Read]

Zob Rombie

Fuggin GURU
Oct 21, 2002
Cherry Hill, NJ
I haven't posted in a while so now that I am finally doing so, I figured I would bring you guys a lil treat to read and talk about... do you think this guy is really from the future, or do you think he is just some quack who has the life of a toenail... what do you think?

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His name is John Titor and he claims that he came back from the future about something to do with UNIX and computers, he makes a great case, but there are loopholes if you can find them. He speaks about things like there being a civil war in 2005 here in America and that it goes on and off for 10 years and something about Russia being powerful or something like that, read it and find out for yourselves... very interesting topic... I wanna hear everyones thoughts about it, this should be very amusing...

--::Z0B R0MBIE::--
November 15, 2000 14:20

Tell me anything like that and I will believe you forever.

(28) It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005.

That sounds ominous.

(35) While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

(63) Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

(64) This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

(65) The Jewish population in Israel is not prepared for a true offensive war. They are prepared for the ultimate defense.

(66) Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack.

(67) The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction.

Odd... Very Odd...
What is music like in 2036?

Most of the same music you enjoy is available on archive. However the days of mega-stars playing multiple track studio produced music and lip-synching on a huge stage are pretty much isolated to your time period. Like everything else, music is much less centralized. The general trend is away from "computer generated" music and more toward real people playing real instruments. Music is much more of a personal experience. More people know how to read music and play together in small groups.

-mabye this means metal will reign

In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States
-shit i guess NYC counts as a major city lol

i agree with opphidian this is def a good read, gives you something to think about