The Invisibility Thread


Sep 14, 2001
Wow, I'm making a thread. Check the colour of the moon.

Okay, it seems like a growing number of people (must be about half now) are being Invisible on the forum lately, though I suppose it's not been a small percentage for a while anyway.

So, Invisible people: why are you invisible? How long have you been like that? Ever thought about becoming visible again?

And, for the Visible people: is there any particular reason you're not invisble? Does it annoy you that so many others are invisible? Have you ever considered becoming invisible?

There were more questions to be asked, but the alcohol has run away with them.

And finally, as a bonus question for everyone, visible or not: am I making an arse of myself with this thread? I mean, a bigger one than I already am...

EDIT: Oh, and do you think I will ever get a woman?
No, you're not making an arse of yourself. It's a good question.

I'm not invisible (on here :smug: ) as I like seeing my link at the top of boards. I can click on it to check my profile. I've never thought of being invisible, as this way people can PM me when they see I'm on. Also, there are no stalkers or people trolling me here, so it's okay... not that I'd change my habits for the trolls. :p

Yes, I think you'll get a woman in time. As even with my psychopathic tendencies, people say I'll still get a guy. A hot one.
-why are you invisible? How long have you been like that? Ever thought about becoming visible again?

I'm on invisible because of "someone". And no, I'm not planning on becoming visible again any time soon...

- And finally, as a bonus question for everyone, visible or not: am I making an arse of myself with this thread? I mean, a bigger one than I already am...

I can only speak for myself, of course, but I'd say no! I've asked myself the same questions from time to time - I'm just not much of a thread starter I guess...

- EDIT: Oh, and do you think I will ever get a woman?

I've only met you once, but I thought of you as a real nice, friendly person, so yeah, why not?
Okay, just to be absolutely clear, the bonus questions are only there as a joke, I'm not attention-whoring, they weren't even my idea in the first place but I was persuaded to ask then, please don't think you have to answer them. A joke. Okay?

On another subject, which may either be related or alternatively completely unrelated, damn you Maria.
On another subject, which may either be related or alternatively completely unrelated, damn you Maria.
Don't you mean p--------? ;)

I'm not usually invisible. When I am, it's (duh) because I don't want people to know I'm browsing, for whatever reason that shall remain private.

And yes, it annoys me that so many people are invisible, especially a large number of people I happen to like, not just on this board. It detracts from the sense of community. :(
I am invisible because i don't like everyone to see when i'm on all the time, and sometimes i just dont want to be noticed much. I've been like it for years, and i won't be changing anytime soon.
i never cared about being visible or not, so i didn't change the default. why bother? i'm sure i'm not important enough to have people actually looking out for me. and if they do, heh, their problem.
Rusty said:
So, Invisible people: why are you invisible? How long have you been like that? Ever thought about becoming visible again?
A combination of what Josh said and the fact that I'm just used to being invisible.

And finally, as a bonus question for everyone, visible or not: am I making an arse of myself with this thread?
No, you're not.

Oh, and do you think I will ever get a woman?
Sure you will. Why the hell not?! It's not like you try very hard now, is it?
i'm invisible. i started being so when i was spending too much time on the board some two years ago, because i felt people could get annoyed by seeing my username in the browsing list all the time. i have considered stopping being invisible quite a few times so far, but couldn't do it since now i feel far more comfortable this way and the idea of being visible stresses me out a bit.

you're not making an arse of yourself with this thread, Rus, but i do find this thread a bit nosey. :p
and you will find a woman one day, one that will love you a great lot. let's only hope you will love her back and won't just look forward to getting rid of her. :p
I'm visible because I want people to notice me. Lack of attention, probably. Although I do not act this way in real life. It is hard to say whether in internet I am more myself or someone I want to be...

As for the woman question, my answer is "I don't know". I have no idea about the rules used by destiny to spread love around people. I personally did nothing to deserve it.
King Chaos said:
And WTF is wrong with the moon????!!!!!???? Its so crazy tonight Its quite astonishing... Its like the surface is burning.
I tried taking pics of it, but either the cam or me fucked up.