The last Impulse you will ever need!

I tried out your impulse and wagner-settings on a cover of JFACs "Entombment of a machine" and I think it sounds really good. My mixing skills are not that good cause I'm still learning about lot of that stuff but anyways, here it is:
Thank you very much for this great impulse!

Dude!!!! Sounds awesome!
Can you give some details???:OMG:

And Thanx a lot GUITARHACK, you're da man! :notworthy
is it a mesa cab? do you have any old school marshall cabs?

and one more question - can you make a 96khz version?)

thanks - you're making a great impulses)
Dude!!!! Sounds awesome!
Can you give some details???:OMG:

And Thanx a lot GUITARHACK, you're da man! :notworthy

Thanks man, don't know what more details you want? Four guitartracks, GuitarHacks settings for Wagner and Boogex and I added the TSS-vst before Wagner.

I also put Izotope Ozone 3 on the masterbus to "glue it all together" :)
Cheers for the feedback dudes. :kickass: With this much interest (given the amount of other alternatives around currently) I may just have to do a new Full Set (if I have the time over the next couple of weeks).

Here is a new version, same mic position, different poweramp used to create it. The result is a quicker/sharper attack (particularly on mutes), a little more scooped, brighter and tighter overall.

It's called:

OMG, right now i'm testing the first "Final" impulse and it's awesome!

Guitarhack, this impulses are made with the power section of 6505 or Krank Rev??