The last two albums

Which do you prefer?

  • Dead Heart In A Dead World

    Votes: 14 56.0%
  • Enemies of Reality

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Metal Keyboardist
Feb 2, 2002
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Which one is better? I get the impression that the majority of the board prefers Enemies over Dead Heart. I can not grasp why anyone would think this. Enemies seems like such a dissapointing CD to me. The whole CD comes off to me as if it is a rushed mess. The song structures are horrible, individual songs lack identity, the riffs are muddy and boring, the soloing is less impressive, emotion seems gone, theres not really any epic tracks, the choruses are less catchy...I could go on and on about this.

But Dead Heart in A Dead World to me seems like Nevermore's BEST album. Each song has so many catchy and heavy parts, the songs stick in your head after listening, the soloing is AMAZING, emotion is more evident, and there is no filler. Since everyone seems to like the new album more, I would like for you to explain why. Thanks
"Catchiness"/"Heaviness" has nothing to do with how good an album is. I prefer EOR just because the songs are more complex, they have a little more meat on them. Whereas DH was really stripped down and basic.

The only dissapointing thing about the album is the lack of musical exploration. Like they said, it's much more 'to the point'.
How can you say EoR isn't as catchy? Jesus. That whole album is incredible catchy. Take the chorus in the title track for example. Holy Hell. Did anyone NOT have that in their head over and over again after hearing it for the first time? Shit. Not that Catchiness is a deciding factor is an albums goodness. I like it better because the songs individually are better in my opinion, and are more to the point. It's also heavier which sits quite well with me.
for me the only stumbling block of the album is the muddy guitar tone, but the sheer brilliance of the album outshines that minor, minor shortcoming. When you think about it, considering that Nevermore had only 1/3 of the budget for the album than what they had for Dead Heart, its fucking amazing.
IcedEarth556 said:
Which one is better? I get the impression that the majority of the board prefers Enemies over Dead Heart. I can not grasp why anyone would think this. Enemies seems like such a dissapointing CD to me. The whole CD comes off to me as if it is a rushed mess. The song structures are horrible, individual songs lack identity, the riffs are muddy and boring, the soloing is less impressive, emotion seems gone, theres not really any epic tracks, the choruses are less catchy...I could go on and on about this.

But Dead Heart in A Dead World to me seems like Nevermore's BEST album. Each song has so many catchy and heavy parts, the songs stick in your head after listening, the soloing is AMAZING, emotion is more evident, and there is no filler. Since everyone seems to like the new album more, I would like for you to explain why. Thanks

You are completely right, except for two things: songs structures are better on EOR and DHIAD is not their best album, that would be DNB. I really miss the old guitar tone and the old Nevermore feeling.
Dead Heart wouldn't be my favorite to begin with. However each thing they've recorded is special to me for different reasons.

EOR's vocals are so heartfelt and genuine. It's infinitely catchy, but it's drawbacks are the guitar tone, and the buried drums. TO ME. I listen to NM for the drummer, and the guitar work first, the vocals the last. And EOR is simply an outstanding vocal delivery, something that I didn't think I would say. It's strong for reasons that I didn't expect. Leave expectations out of music, and you're given something you might be surprised by.

For the helluva it, this is what I think...
DNB (hard for me to put POE before DNB, but the guitar work and drumming force me)
In Memory--Self Titled (split decision for preference)
DHiaDW (for overall sound. I had a hard time getting into the disc, no matter how hard I tried. And seeing it live is where this shit takes on a life of it's own. Makes me realize how strong something really is, to see Nevermore LIVE!)

My two cents. Half the time I wonder when we get these debates going, if the people throwing it out don't own everything. I don't mean to judge, maybe you do own everything, and have seen them on tour for the last 4 albums. Dunno.
I actually think i prefer DHIADW over EoR, but i whole heartedly disagree that its their best album. that would be the mighty POLITICS... though i use to think it was DNB, but PoE has grown on me.. a lot...
Utterly EOR. Dead Heart had a lot of completely useless parts to it...those interludes in We Disintegrate, the shitty Machine Head-style main riff of Narcosynthesis, just about all of Inside Four Walls...for every really good idea, they had a bad one; thankfully, they had enough pretty good ideas to balance it out. EOR doesn't have any unneccessary crap apart from Noumenon - it just rips all the way through. Total br00tality.
Fuck all you puss-nut shithead goat fuckers that liked EoR better. Aside from production values, when you have double base like that on "The Sound of Silence" and fucking awesome songs like "Believe in Nothing" you cant compete.

Dead Heart kicks EoR in the throat and then shits in its face. But, to be fair, DNB still the all time best.
I didn't vote, mostly because i can't decide. It seems it's that way with me for all nevermore albums, however some clearly outshine the others. Here's my overview back to PoE if you care:

EoR - I love this album. It reminds me alot of old-school thrash, updated and nevermore-ized. The guitar is amazing, the solos wild, drumming furious choruses catchy, vocally: WD's best yet, lyrically: compelling. However, there are flaws, obviously there's the production. Secondly, the soloing, while technical, seems emotionless when compared to DnB, it seems like Mustaine-style fretboard-masturbation. (Excluding the heart-felt tomorrow solo).

DHIDAW - Although not my first Nevermore album, it's the one that made them my favorite band. Although there are a few tracks i skip, overall the album is incredible. The soloing is passionate and techinical, production amazing. However, as with everything there are flaws. Some tracks bore me (evolution) some irritate (Narcosynthesis, though it may just be that i listened to it too much) and overall the album is less aggressive than previous efforts.

DNB - Love this album, the story line is great and the emotion is done perfectly. You can hear sadness (title track), anger (deconstruction), and madness (poison). The negatives are strong though: the soloing on this album kinda sucks, i think jeff tried to stay away from showing off and staying more utilitarian and it's very lack-luster. Also, at times the band suffers from the same detachment you will see me mention in the PoE review, however less so, and the album seems like a stepping stone to DHIADW. Furthermore, the album has a lot of filler.

PoE - although my first album, it's probably my least favorite. I know this this the fave of most of the people on this board, but to me the album lacks much. Although it does have the learning and 42147 and the tianenen man, and a few others, the songs as a whole lack cohesiveness. It sounds like the rythm (guitar/bass/drum) parts and the vocals were written and recorded as if the 2 were on totally different planets. The vocals sound detached from the music and there is almost no emotion because the vocals and the music don't really line up. It's as if they wrote each without hearing the other and said "oh fuck it" and threw it together anyway. Because of that detachment, the album doesn't hit home for me in the same way. Plus, just because it's faster doesn't mean it's better.

I'd like to hear what everyone else has to say, especially about the "detachment" on PoE, if anyone else has noticed it. I pointed it out to alot of my friends and they agreed with me. What do u think?
QuothTheRaven said:
why because i have an opinion? Opinions are subjective dumbass. You're an example of everything that's wrong with BBs, apparently everyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Ignorant fool.
chill out. his name is "retarded penguin" dont take him so seriously haha.