The least disliked metal band?

Death get tons of hate. Metallica have plenty of detractors. Townsend/SYL? Really? The general consensus here, which I completely agree with, is that his music is fucking terrible.
Blind Guardian does seem to be the most palpable power metal for people who don't like power metal. I wouldn't know. :lol:

I've heard a ton of crap thrown at Bolt Thrower, actually, mostly due to the Warhammer influence. They are pretty nerdy, and again, this is from a power metal fan. :goggly:
Aside from that, which doesn't have anything to do with their actual music anyway, Bolt Thrower is probably the correct answer. Though many dislike the lack of new stuff from them.
I did bring up Bathory in the oldschool section once and someone said their early albums were more kvlt than good, but most people down there think Kiss is the pinnacle of metal or something.
I generally dislike the majority of black metal but I'd never claim to be a "true" metalhead anyway.

Of all my close mates, the majority being metal fans, I've never heard a bad thing about Opeth but I dunno about on here.
Motorhead? I don't like them myself, but I don't dislike them either and can't think of many people actively putting them down.

I did bring up Bathory in the oldschool section once and someone said their early albums were more kvlt than good, but most people down there think Kiss is the pinnacle of metal or something.

That was me. I feel so honored that you remembered. <3