the Let It All Out thread

miranda B said:
i never understand how to do it me and pc dont work together:tickled:
well rafael taught me, and now i,m awhizz kid at it :hotjump:

so just look at the sheer beauty i can post :)
VultureCulture said:

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Check out Eudora 6.0. It has a great filter. All of this damn penis-enlargement mails go straight into the junk-mailbox...
I despise my life. I am hideous internally and externally. I am hated by someone who means the world to me. I am never not despondently depressed, in serious pain all the time. It never lets up. I can barely function because of this. I want to die most of the time. I have very little to enjoy in life or look foreward to, except for him who despises me. I am a coward, weak, lonely, empty, annoying to others, never thin enough, ashamed, lost, drifting, I want to torture myself but am even to cowardly for this, deserving of punishment in life. To quote someone else, I am shit, just....shit.
instead of polluting the forum with yet another venting thread, I'll bump this one up.

So: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK! :yell: :mad: Is it compulsory that when your workmates step up one ladder above you, they have to turn to assholes and pour shit on you them fuckers? Fuck greed and fight the power, aye. I'm gonna get me some beer. Bloody hell. Fucking "not-popular-enough-in-school-so-now-I'm-gonna-show-ya" -fat bastards. :yell:
Crack Hitler said:
instead of polluting the forum with yet another venting thread, I'll bump this one up.

So: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK! :yell: :mad: Is it compulsory that when your workmates step up one ladder above you, they have to turn to assholes and pour shit on you them fuckers? Fuck greed and fight the power, aye. I'm gonna get me some beer. Bloody hell. Fucking "not-popular-enough-in-school-so-now-I'm-gonna-show-ya" -fat bastards. :yell:

It's not compulsory, in fact, so you can kill the person without remorse. After your drink, of course.
I'm addicted to the net. I analyse myself too much. Both of these things basically prevent me from doing constructive things. I'm wasting my potentials.

And, what's worse, I'm starting to realize that I hate living alone. I'd rather go back to where I came from, even if that means I'll go nuts one day.

I want to be a child.
trona said:
I despise my life. I am hideous internally and externally. I am hated by someone who means the world to me. I am never not despondently depressed, in serious pain all the time. It never lets up. I can barely function because of this. I want to die most of the time. I have very little to enjoy in life or look foreward to, except for him who despises me. I am a coward, weak, lonely, empty, annoying to others, never thin enough, ashamed, lost, drifting, I want to torture myself but am even to cowardly for this, deserving of punishment in life. To quote someone else, I am shit, just....shit.

Status quo.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
so the other day andy cairns was walking down the street, and i was going up, towards food.
there was this couple before him, walking slowly pushing this carriage with the result of their reproduction in it.

thus andy cairns quickens his step
thus he misses my kind regard towards him


it started to rain miserably (that irritating small drop rain)
went drinking a beer later on got headache
ran in late on all my classes today or skipping them because no sense of time

this day is doomed :cry:
It's been
Such a long week
So much crying
I no longer see a future
I've been told
When I get older
That I'll understand it all
But I'm not sure if I want to

And the weather's shitty as well.
This life I play with
The mistakes I commit each day
I just can't feel this way
so mad...this is shit
I know I just know she is going to Hit!
I didn't know if I should rather post it in one of the war/terrorism threads, but it's quite personal, so it belongs here.

I wondered at beauty’s divinity
I imagined a delicate flower,
And suddenly, the stone of reality
Hit me with an elemental power.

But even this stone’s a metaphor.
Thus I am taught day by day
By current troubles and my chore
To speak in a sensible way.

My rightful instincts flooded me
When the man of bills gave me the shiver
”He’s gonna cut off my electricity”
It rumbled in me like a river.

The knife was sitting on the table
– The pencils needed sharpening –
If I stabbed him, I should be able
To be reconciled with everything.

I was desperate. So then
Everything will turn sad and blind.
Even an animal can protect his den,
But this war is of a different kind.

I’m so weak if I take an arm:
The enemy will kill and beat me,
And I’ll lose all my youthful charm.
Money arms you in democracy.

Warfare requires new manners.
The heroes don’t remember their blow,
Notes fill up the stacks of bombers,
And shrapnel-coins scatter like snow.

This way I was arguing and soon
Sneaked away wishing a nice day,
And later the stars and the moon
Laughed at me for my getaway.
@dhatura, I like the signature quote, its katatonia right?

oke, and to stay in the topic of this thread, I'm so angry against my ex, he owes me lots of money and doesnt give it to me, and I really really need it now, I waited 6 months, telling him all the time I want my money back, he always said oke, end of the month but never did it... what can I do now? fuck... :(