the Let It All Out thread

nope, but you can counter bad stuff with equally good experiences, or just forget about them. which i probably will not.
VultureCulture said:
because i've maybe grown too susp icious and that to trust and let me fall deeply into a romance. if you invest no or little feelings, you won't be that hurt afterwards. i know it's a shitty attitude, but it will take some time for me to change it, i guess.
I learned that a few years ago too. During the last relationship (which went 2 and a half years) my ex was always complaining that he didn't get from me the love he was giving (which was true). For me it's easier to show attention and love to a friend than to a partner. I suppose it's just easier for you don't HAVE to give it... In every relationship when the pressure gets bigger I build this big fat wall inside me and there's no chance to bring thatone down again.
siderea said:
i remember you once wrote something alike that you (if i remember right) didn't like people talking about themselves all the time, since then i'm aware everytime i put an I in a message that I am speaking of myself again :) though I don't really care about that, it's like a guilt feeling every time
the hooorrrooooooor haha
don't blame you but the pope though :)
haha shit i didnt mean to do your head in that way hehhe but i exactly know what you mean, and this is actually something i'm playing with quite a lot.
A girl at school was always starting her sentences with " Me I .." so i started to call her "me i" instead of her name and i kinda traumatised her since then.
I never heard her say "Me I.." anymore :lol:
Ah shit im feeling guilt aswell to tell stories about meself :ill::grin:
Eos said:
No problem!! I didn't take it *that* personal ;) and I know that it can be annoying when you hear people complaining a lot about little things while you maybe have more serious stuff to handle with.

BTW if you want to go really crazy you should go and read the To/Die/For board *gg*. There are loads of girls who whine about how bad life is, how ugly and fat they are and how bad their English is. Then the rest of the girls sais "nono, you're beautiful!! But I'm really ugly" or "nono, your English is good, but mine is terrible". Then the first one comes "noo, you're so cute!! but....". ARGH! :erk:
ah darn i dont think i'm tough enough to endure this hehe but thanks for the tip :Spin:
Dhatura said:
I should've included "pregnant girlfriends" in the Fear poll, hihi.
no, include that into "let the fucking, pregnant bitches die" thread :erk:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
you just said 'i'!
I know, but it just cant happen I say something not interesting, so i'm being uselful and do friendly turns to all of you:cool:
youd rather be grateful i'm stepping in this forum:grin:
...."Suddenly a plump Generic walks up to me,
"Don't I know you?" he asked, in a noisy
uncoordinated fashion. I look at him with
"No!!" I scream, as loud as I can. I looked
around myself, noticing the thousands of blind
Peasants around me, all of whom where running
into each other and the buildings around them.
They wandered aimlessly, until they fell, and
were then trampled by other blind Peasants, who
also had just recently been released. Content
that no one was looking I looked at Plump Generic
and smiled at it. I placed my left hand on its
right shoulder. I tilted my right shoulder back
slightly, and brought my right fist through with
a violent passion. I slammed my fist repeatedly
into the stomach of Plump, and with each hit he
would fall, if not for my left hand holding him
sturdy. I hit Plump eight-hundred and
twenty-three times. He began to cough up blood
around hit number three hundred, and he passed
out at about five-twenty.
I only stopped because his diaphragm and stomach
ruptured and his front exploded everywhere. All
of his internal organs leaked out from his
fissure, and each of them were mangled and
distorted in the most extreme way. As his torso
emptied onto the ground in front of me, the
hungry blind Peasants dove onto the flesh and
tissue and began eating with a passion. I let
Plump's corpse fall to the ground, and the
Peasants ate his body within seconds.
Thousands of newly released blind Peasants were
flocking like seagulls, and I felt like a
shepherd among the damned. A hunger pained
through them, and when Plump was gone, they began
to tear each other and themselves apart, in a
brilliant display of violent ambivalence...."
